I think that the issue with Hawking is that somehow he cannot grasp that the point from which everything that IS sprang up did not have “GRAVITY”.That sound’s like the Kalaam cosmological argument. basically it goes like this:
The proponents of this argument usually go on to suggest that the only possible cause for the universe must be something immaterial, like a mind.
- Everything that begins to exist has a cause
- The universe has a beginning, therefore
- The universe has a cause
However, there are some problems with the first premise.
Granted, Hawking’s explanation is confusing, and I don’t completely understand how it works, The theory is intrigueing. As I understand it, it argues that the first premise of the cosmological argument is invalid.
I think there is a misunderstanding here. Hawking proposes that the reason why things just don’t pop into existence in our experience is because gravity is everywhere in the universe. In the nothingness before the big bang, there was no gravity, so the whole universe was free to materialize out of nothing. He even has some evidence for it. It seems that the negative gravitational potential energy of the early universe roughly equals the positive energy of all the matter within it. This means that all the energy in the universe may actually cancel out. I don’t understand why gravity is considered to be negative energy. I’m not a professional physicist (yet). But I’m pretty sure that Hawking didn’t mean to say that gravity actually caused the universe. This would also explain the “fine tuning” of the universe.
The idea is that since universes can materialize out of nothing, every possible universe, each with its own set of constants, has materialized out of nothing. We just happen to be in one of the ones that can support life.
There was no matter in it, no atoms, no Hidrogen or Helium or anything else no Neutrons, Protons or Electrons. NADA ZINCH NOTHING no Cosmological Constants.
From Nothing everything was created.
And the BIG issue is WHY? WHY DID the Point decide to change state.
Hawking has eyes but he is as blind as a bat!