I think the Big Bang disproves God. That is the only reason I cannot believe in God.
Why do you think the fact of the Big Bang still has room for God?
for one a Catholic Priest came up with the theory
second For members of the general public with no training in the sciences, the “facts” are whatever they are told by the scientific establishment. The problem is, the “facts” are profoundly colored by interpretation, and interpretation is often based on nothing more than a guess. Perhaps this is most evident in the dominance of the Big Bang theory which to this day has not been conclusively proven by imperical or objective proof ( yet another problem with many “theories” )
Space age discovery has almost discredited and challenged the theory, yet within the halls of official science, it is presented as “fact.”
It’s amazing how simple the flaw is in the Big Bang theory. It all boils down to the credibility, or lack thereof, of the Doppler interpretation of redshift. Light frequencies from remote objects in space, when shifted toward the red, are claimed to signify the velocity of the object away from the observer – and no other explanation is admitted.
The Doppler effect is not complicated. Everyone is familiar with the sudden drop in pitch of a train’s whistle as it approaches and then moves past us. The same principle is used in a police radar gun, to measure the speed of an automobile.
The Big Bang has lost its theoretical foundation, which was the Doppler interpretation of redshift (linking redshift to the stretching of light wavelengths as objects move away from us).
It is now known that, while almost all observed galaxies are redshifted, the Doppler interpretation of this shift does not provide a reliable measure of velocity or (indirectly) of distance. Quasars and galaxies of different redshift stand in physical proximity to each other and are observed to be connected by filaments of matter.
Quasars, whose high redshift would place them at the outer edges of the visible universe, are in fact physically and energetically linked to nearby low-redshift active galaxies.
The Big Bang theory has been challenged many times including by direct observation-including a highly redshifted quasar in front of a nearby galaxy!
Nobel laureate Hannes Alfv�n, the father of plasma physics, showed that cosmologists are mistaken when they imagine that magnetic fields can be “frozen in” to a plasma. Electric currents are required to sustain cosmic magnetic fields. And now, everywhere we look we see magnetic fields at work: electricity is flowing across immense distances in space.
At both the stellar and galactic scales, these currents interact with the magnetic fields they induce to create complex structure-strings of galaxies, galactic and stellar jets, and beautiful bipolar stellar nebulas-all with features never envisioned by gravitational theorists, yet corresponding in stunning detail to plasma discharge formations in the laboratory.
hope this helps
God Bless