Great answer manualman, it really is this simple. I returned Home in 2000 but what I miss mostly about the protestant services is the in your face get the job done sermons. Calling men to holiness and the pastor not being afraid to challenge men on sensitive issues. Unfortunately there are not enough Groschels, Fortunas and Corapi’s yet…but they are coming. We get more priests like them in Parishes, men will return.Because the church in my lifetime has emphasized feelings, talking, empathy for others, compassion… This isn’t bad. It’s just one sided. Men aren’t interested in it mostly.
Men want goals, objectives, lofty ideals to strive for. We are willing to make sacrifices to be part of a brotherhood working together for something tangible. Men will come back when the church starts to seem like a place where a man can be a man.
Otherwise, he will prefer to watch football. Ever wonder why? Because it is simple. Two teams of men with opposing goals. Each team must work together to overcome major obstacles and achieve a simple, tangible goal. We’re not very complicated creatures.