Why God allows disabbilities to his creations?

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Very often what is omitted by a person is more significant than anything else. You have failed to answer the questions:
It’s the age old argument against Atheist morality, even though atheism is not a world view and hence do not subscribe to a set of morals…rather we tend towards mutual respect, obeying the law and human rights…but of course we deviate sometimes, just like Christians do…
Why do we believe in justice when we surrounded by injustice?
Basic human rights
Why do we believe goodness and love are superior to evil and hatred in such a harsh, indifferent world?
yes because humans have evolved into sentient beings that can love and respect one another.
Are we crazy?
quite possibly.
Or do we know intuitively that justice, goodness and love are not invented by man but come from God? (I would add “Where else?”)
Nope, from the sentience we have and the bonds we form with fellow human beings.
Dear PennetantMan,

The more i listen to you the more i love you, i can’t help it,i can feel that you are not hear to just harass and stalk like a lion in wait. you are here because you do believe, and you are sending all the signals of someone in doubt, searching for an answer,and we are only human and we have only so much we can give to you. We can pray for you and ask God to lead, guide,direct, and touch your mind and heart.Dont look for faults for you may find more then you antisipated, look to God, for if you seek me you will find me if you seek me with all your heart.Perhaps when you were searching before,satan put a stumbling block there so you would see with the eyes of man not the eyes of God,he wants nothing more then to destroy you,and i dont feel you are a sinner because you left the church your just not as fortunate as you were before, but you are still a good person for i do not put judgement on you it is not in my place, that my friend is God’s job. Peace be unto you. Love of Christ(and i can love you all i want) Nancy
Oh PennetantMan, i almost forgot, sorry i realy wanted toask you to Share with us what you were reading that made you realize that God wasn’t real and then you stopped believing i would like to read this, i would like to test my faith, to see if i would be taken away like that, do you think it is possible? can you Please enlighten me? I just want to see how well rooted i am in Christ! Love of Christ Nancy
Hello McHale, Well said and some day when you stand before the Master Jesus He will say well done my faithful servant come unto my father who has prepared a place for you, to life everlasting, because of your compassion, love, and humility,and faith, you will enter in to His rest. Love of Christ(“Greater is He who is in me : then he that is in the world”)

Hi Nancy, I can hope that I will be welcomed into God’s Presence when I die, but it won’t be because of any virtue on my part… what good I have in me, and what good I do, is in large part done because of God’s grace in my life.

I have only begun to turn my life towards God and I hope I will have turned enough by the time I leave this life that God will welcome me in the next.

Dear PennetantMan,

The more i listen to you the more i love you, i can’t help it,i can feel that you are not hear to just harass and stalk like a lion in wait. you are here because you do believe, and you are sending all the signals of someone in doubt, searching for an answer,and we are only human and we have only so much we can give to you. We can pray for you and ask God to lead, guide,direct, and touch your mind and heart.Dont look for faults for you may find more then you antisipated, look to God, for if you seek me you will find me if you seek me with all your heart.Perhaps when you were searching before,satan put a stumbling block there so you would see with the eyes of man not the eyes of God,he wants nothing more then to destroy you,and i dont feel you are a sinner because you left the church your just not as fortunate as you were before, but you are still a good person for i do not put judgement on you it is not in my place, that my friend is God’s job. Peace be unto you. Love of Christ(and i can love you all i want) Nancy
Then I’ll respectfully bow out. I enjoy a good debate, but perhaps I‘ve overstayed my welcome on this thread? I’ll see you all around.
Oh PennetantMan, i almost forgot, sorry i realy wanted toask you to Share with us what you were reading that made you realize that God wasn’t real and then you stopped believing i would like to read this, i would like to test my faith, to see if i would be taken away like that, do you think it is possible? can you Please enlighten me? I just want to see how well rooted i am in Christ! Love of Christ Nancy
Really? After that last post telling me not to be a stumbling block…now you ask me to try to make you stumble? Hmmm I think I’ll pass on that.

Maybe I’ll PM it to you so that I don’t cause others to “stumble”. It would take some time to assemble and write it all up, so allow me the time and I’ll PM you, k?

To Penitant man: Part 1***

you said: Ah, a hardball poster! Here we go:

First, you contradict yourself:

Originally Posted by christian1
You could well have said instead, that it happened exactly as God said it would

As opposed to

Who are you to say that He knew they would fail.

And then later

You cannot prove that He knew they would fall.

If you believe in the Christian god you have to believe that he is an all-powerful, all-knowing deity.

Herein lies the error of your thinking. It was not a contradiction. I said that He knew they might fall since the choice was “obey or not obey” He also knew the outcome if they **chose to not obey **and the outcome if they chose to obey.

The plan was set in place before things began. He knows the plan. But with free will, the outcome known is that they could choose either/ or. That is what He knew. And He knew that He had a plan if they chose to obey, and a plan if they chose **not to obey. **Quote:

This is not knowing what they would choose as you can see.

you quoted me:
Like you would be had you said to your child, “if you eat the berries from that tree, you will get sick and die” This is the equivelant of what happened. It wasn’t a punishment as you are thinking, but a reaping and sowing, a cause and effect. Should the child blame the parent for his sickness when he disobeyed the rule that was given to protect him? No, he wouldn’t.

Then you responded with:

Actually, your example is flawed. You need to follow it through more…the child eats, not only dies, but his soul get’s put in eternal peril and so does the rest of his offspring.

This, the child was warned about.

you then said:

The child cannot blame the illness on the parent, and I have never claimed that they should, but the great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandchild can blame the punisher if he suffers needlessly through someone’s faults that he never even knew, just because he is a descendent of that person.

And this arguement is flawed. While the child who disobeyed the parent that gave instruction cannot blame the parent, neither can the great great great great great great grandchild blame that first parent for the penalty of the sins it had no part in passing.

The parent that sinned is the responsible party that passed the sin and the penalty for it, not the perfect parent who never sinned nor caused them to. As far as the punishment goes, it goes with the sin remember? The cause and effect. You know about that right? You see it every day in life. You consider it a natural occurence and you would be right. Because God set it in motion to be that way. But just as there are physical laws of cause and effect, there are spiritual laws of cause and effect. You saw this occur in the garden, when they died both physically and spiritually. You don’t fuss against the natural law do you? Do you shake your fist at God when you throw a rock up and it comes down on your head? Of course not, because you have learned about natural laws.

All you have to do now, is understand that the spiritual laws are set as the natural laws have been. The rules are laid, and all have to play by them including God who made them. It was His choice to have it this way and He cannot turn it back, but works around it and in it.
To Penitant man Part 2

you quoted me: Quote:
You, sir, have committed a great sin with your slander and unless you repent, you, and all who you claim to love, will suffer the consequences of your arrogant ignorance.

He he, I gotta flag this one….How you arrive at this conclusion…how do you know that all whom I claim to love will suffer with me? Is it because the bible says so, and it shows true in your theology that the children suffer for the parent’s mistakes? (as in adam and eve)

Not just as in Adam and Eve. Look around you. The conclusions are well established. What you do directly affects those you love. Emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally. You know this. Theology agrees with it because God designed it to be so. To what extent they suffer will be determined by how much damage you do and how much God is able to deflect it while working around His own laws.

In the end, God’s main concern is their eternity. A loving Father will sacrifice the natural things if it will help accomplish eternity for that child. The natural body is a means by which the devil ensnares us but God, in His great wisdom, can use all the bad that the enemy places upon humans through their sin, and use it for their salvation in the end. Isn’t that what you would do? Wouldn’t their eternity be your ultimate concern? Seeing as then, you will be able to bestow them with a new and perfect body for all eternity? A short time of suffering placed upon humans by the decisions of sin are always utilized by God to accomplish eternity for them.

you said:

Or alternatively, you could be wrong, also because the bible says (and your theology teaches) that if people who hasn’t heard the word of god dies, they still have a chance at heaven.

There’s a bit of an inconsistency there, no?

No, there is no inconsistancy. Do you not realize that there is a natural and a spiritual? That is why there were two deaths that took place. The physical death, and the spiritual. Man is made of both. If you haven’t heard the word of God (which you have) then your sin is in ignorance and you will be judged by your conscience if you are of age. By what you understand of right and wrong. Theology teaches this and it is just and righteous. So, while you may reap upon your family the seeds of destruction, God can, will and does, use it to bring salvation.

Think of this example. If you smoke cigarettes and do not know that they kill, you are sinning in ignorance. You will reap the physical benefits of smoking but God will not judge it as a sin if you were not aware of it being wrong. But sins of ignorance are not completely penalty free. The law is you reap what you sow. When done in ignorance your flesh is what pays, but your spirit is not held accountable. In other words, you will still get asthma, cancer, or whatever else comes with smoking, but God will not judge it as sin. For sin is to know what is right and not doing it.

That is why God went through such great lengths to give so many laws. The laws were for their protection. As long as they followed them they remained whole and safe. But even if the smallest one was broken, it had to be atoned for, ignorance or not, because sins of ignorance, as I have pointed out above, hurt us physically. God doesn’t want us hurt in any way. You probably thought He was just being strict and severe out of cruelty. You would be wrong. He was very strict and severe because He loved His children with a great passion. That’s all He ever wanted to do, ever did, and ever will.

you quoted me: Quote:
And how could you possibly know this? Did you know that God has always wanted to protect His people and did in the old testament even after the fall? No disease, no deformities, no form of harm befell His people when they remained faithful to Him.

you responded:

So, what you are saying is that all isrealites and by extension all faithful Christians are free from disease and deformities? I’d say check your facts.

Open up your ears to understanding God. Undo your decision that He is a cruel and unjust God and consider perhaps that you may have missed some important truths concerning Him. You have made some harsh accusations against the Creator of Heaven and Earth and I think it’s only fair that you keep an open mind to the explanations I have concerning life and its great complexitities.

I never said that we are free from disease or deformities. Check what I said. I said, as long as they remained conformed completely to His will, they were without disease and deformity. I can assure you that I am not completely conformed to His will in many areas and I’m sure you could admit as much as well. And yet His grace extends to me beyond my fair share as does His to you whether you agree or not.

I often wonder how more horrors do not fill my life given the condition of my heart and the state of my soul. In all fairness, I should suffer so much more things. I do not always see His hand of mercy that stays the enemies desires and attempts upon my life and the lives of those I love. For in all fairness if every sin demands atonement, we should have so much more harm than we have. But this is God’s longsuffering, kindness and gentleness. In this light I give my defense of Him. The only way He can be found to be unfair is in His mercy and forgiveness. He gives us more than we deserve.
To Penitant man Part 3

you quoted me: Quote:
When you turn your back on God, you serve the devil and reap the benifits of his dominion. Suffering, pain, death. Enjoy your masters gifts.

Ummm, last time I checked Christians also partake in suffering pain and death…the only difference is they believe they will wake up in happy-land…so says your theology.

And you would be right here. This is the two-fold penalty of sin again. Christians partake in suffering and pain and death because we are still struggling to overcome sins hold on us. That is why we have to take up our cross daily and follow Him. To put our flesh to death daily so that our spirit might live through Him. And though we fall many times every day, He is there to forgive and lift us up when we repent. He is there to keep us from the enemy in His longsuffering and does very often in ways we do not see or know.

The fact that we get sick, suffer and die reflects the power of sin in the flesh but not in the spirit. We hardly feel the penalty of sin as we ought in comparison to how much we sin, and when we belong to God, even though we sin, we can receive physical healing. As much as you hate to hear it I must tell you that faith plays a part in that process. Believing that He loves you and wants you healed is the first step. There are other laws of healing that must be observed in order to receive it. The complexitiy involved with these laws must be understood before you assume it cannot be done. Grace, mercy, longsuffering, willful sin, ignorance, faith, all play a part in the process of healing.

you quoted me: Quote:
Perhaps it is your eyes that are darkened by pain and sin that do not allow you to see God as He truly is. I had all of the same questions that you had. When you seek God with anger and doubt, your vision will be darkened by it. But when you seek answers about God holding to the belief that He is good and just, then your eyes will find the truth about Him in His word.

you responded:

I was VERY MUCH a faithful catholic for a long time struggling with some events in my life. The events themselves didn’t turn me against god, but it was the catalyst for me to seek a closer relationship with him…in my seeking and studying it became clearer that he wasn’t there. I’m saying this to let you know that I did it all right, followed all the rules, had a pious and righteous heart (It may sound arrogant, but nonetheless, I’m making a point).

You say these events themselves didn’t turn you against God but led you to seek a closer relationship with Him at chich point you discovered He wasn’t there?

Wasn’t there??? What does that mean exactly? However did you discover that He wasn’t there? Was He there one day and gone the next? Was He there when things were going good and when things went bad He wasn’t?

You sought Him for what purpose? To discover what sins you may have committed that brought your suffering? To get from Him something you think He owed you? He didn’t answer your demands? You got angry? Frustrated with His silence? You knew He was a good God from the beginning and searched diligently to prove this point? Or perhaps when you began to seek Him truly for the first time, your had pre-conceived ideas developing due to your faith in what you see instead of faith in Him?

So you turned your back on God despite all that He has done for you. Like a spoiled child, when you didn’t get your way, you get angry with Him. Because you don’t understand why, you automatically assume that if the great penitant man has sought wisdom about God and has not found it, then surely, God must be wrong and I, in my finite mind am right! And yet God has not allowed the enemy to strike you down as he would so love despite this, which refelcts God’s understanding, mercy and kindness towards you while you blaspheme His Holy Name. As we speak He forms a plan to win you back. The stakes are rising and the further you get from Him the more drastic the measures become as the heart nears the point of hardening beyond the point of no return. God will do whatever it takes, if He can, to win you back. I hope you don’t allow the devil to continue to steal from you what God wishes you to have.
To Penitant man Part 4 (final)

** you quoted me:** Quote:
You are severely misinformed about God and should repent quickly and beg for His forgiveness and mercy. Right now, you willingly give yourself to Satans lies, the great slanderer, and those around you will reap that benefit, thanks to your decision to serve the one who started all the trouble to begin with. You can go to bed at night and know that your thoughts about God are the fuel that hell burns by.

you responded: Wow, that was quite intense  I’m tempted to be sarcastic about some satanic ritual participation after work, but essentially I’m not a Satanist, but I understand that in your theology by default if you don’t serve god you serve satan…sure you can see it that way if you wanna…

It’s intense because it is. And you are right, by defeault, if you don’t Serve God you serve the enemy.

you quoted me: Quote:
And if you believed in healing, you could repent, and your son could be healed. But that sort of faith is hard to come by in these latter times. But not because God cannot do it, but because we have so far removed ourselves from the possibility and dare not believe it.

you responded:

Now this is the absolute biggest bull I have heard…with the nice little “loophole” at the end there….because of our lack of faith…Uhu….how about some church bishops, or the pope himself…do they have lack of faith?

Let’s get a little more extreme than that. How about Christ, did He have lack of faith? And yet there were many times He didn’t heal because of OTHER peoples lack of faith. Do you not understand that it is a two party contract? Surely you know the word of God enough to remember this. If not, then perhaps it is this ignorance that has gotten you where you are to begin with.

**you said: **

If they have that kind of lack of faith, then the church is in serious trouble…and they haven’t cures nuffn…Autism? Downs? Cancer? Amputees? Even Dyslexia. They ain’t curing ****. That actually got my back up a bit. Do you have enough faith for this? Nope…does anyone anywhere on the planet have enough faith for this? Nope.

And this proves that God does not, cannot and will not heal IF we did have such faith???

And you are wrong, He is curing. I can only go by my own experiences. Not only has he miraculously healed me at times, He has performed other miracles as well and visions of things happening before they do as a warning. Dreams of things to come that came. Sure, they may not be huge to some, but that does not take away the miracle. And then there were times I didn’t get healed. But never did I say, God must be a liar. Instead I said, I must be sinning in ignorance and unless God allows this upon me, I will never seek to discover it. Perhaps He has tried numerous times to show me and I refused to accept it. There are many possibilities, but never, that He doesn’t want to heal is one of them. And if He cannot, it is because He must operate around the laws that He has established since the foundation of the world and around our free will and the decisions that we make along with the consequences those decisions bring.

And I’m not saying that some healings aren’t bogus but that does not mean all are. You are unfair and ignorant to assume so. It is an illogical arguement to say that since you have not found any healings to be authentic, then they must all be fake. That is a very biased and bent distortion of what you cannot possibly know.
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