Could some of the people in the urban areas plan better so they could have better eating options? I am certain they could. Heck we all could. Could they start community gardens so they help themselves and others, absolutely.
In our city, there are several community gardens in the “poor” areas of the city, and rich ladies acquired the land, set up the boxes (raised wooden boxes), filled them with soil, prepared the seeds, and distributed the seeds and seedlings to all the interested people in these neighborhoods. They also helped with the planting (not everyone is good at gardening–e.g., anything Peeps plants dies a quick death!), and checked regularly to make sure the gardens had enough water, were weeded, and didn’t get infested with leaf-devouring pests.
But sadly, the gardens never caught on, and I think the rich ladies have given up, and I don’t blame them. If people won’t help themselves when they get a helping hand, then…they don’t deserve the handout.
I’m so sorry that the country is like this. I know there are people who DO accept help and DO have a garden.
There are also plenty of food pantries in our city, including truck food pantries that travel around the poor areas. Lots of the churches have food drives–one of the Assembles of God churches in our city has handed out tens of thousands of bags of groceries during the pandemic (they have a very large church with thousands of members, mostly people living in the “rich” neighborhoods).
I honestly don’t think there is any reason for people in our city to go hungry–there are lots of charitable outreaches.
And I don’t think there will be regular chain grocery stores in these “poor” areas until the street gangs/mobs make it clear that these stores will NEVER be touched and anyone working or shopping at these stores will NEVER be shot on the store property and no one will ever be taken hostage in the parking lot and forced to drive a gang member around town and grant him other…favors.
The ball is in THEIR hands right now–it’s their move, not ours. It makes no sense for anyone to build a playground for street gangs, drug dealers, and mob members to easily take out their victims.