Why has the divorce rate increased so much in 40 years?

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THE high rate of divorce should be celebrated as the major sign of progress in the feminist movement, an ever-passionate Germaine Greer said at the start of a national speaking tour.
      A woman's refusal to remain in an unloving relationship, and a description of soccer star David Beckham as an interesting but confusing "boy", were among the many thoughts shared by the 65-year-old during a seminar in Perth. Greer said the main thing to have changed since her early feminist days was the mass exodus of women walking out on their marriages.
“The big change is the divorce rate,” she said.

"Exactly the thing that people tear their hair out about is exactly the thing I am very proud of. But life for these women is very difficult. The price of their liberty has been taking on a massive amount of toil.
The connection between feminism and divorce rate apparently isn’t only noticed by male chauvinists.

Oh great. Germaine Greer thinks women should all celebrate the high divorce rate. Will the children be celebrating too?
I think the divorce rate is higher because people aren’t willing to work on their marriages. They want instant happiness. When children are involved I think that a couple must do everything to try to strengthen their relationship. Every marriage has its rocky parts, but staying strong, honest and supportive would help.

I also think that a lot of men cheat and maybe women too, and this causes the disintegration of a marriage. I people don’t take their vows seriously it is a real problem. Many of my friends who have been divorced were divorced because the husband wandered.
Mike Rainville:
Premarital sex puts the honeymoon BEFORE the commitment and the “adjustment period,” effectively spoiling the honeymoon.The honeymoon smooths over the many difficulties of the first year of marriage. A period of abstinence before marriage restores some of that newness, I suppose …
( I’m sure I heard this at a Family Conference in Toronto some years ago, but I don’t remember the source. There was also a statistic about marriages where the family was practicing their faith succeeding well over 90% of the time)
Yes, exactly-fornication puts the honeymoon before the commitment, then when people get to know each other, after they’ve been fornicating-after they’ve gotten married–well it’s too late–many problems have already begun! voila----why divorce? there you have it====among also the total and complete confusion as I said before of women wearing the pants in the family, bringing home the bacon—and enabling men to do nothing --to be weak–to expect their wives to work full-time–to contribute to the “mortgage”…etc. This, I feel is one of the biggies too! Women were not cut out to be the bill-payers–and all this business about how “it takes 2 to get by in this day and age” is a bunch of baloney. Don’t buy into this!
I also think that a lot of men cheat and maybe women too, and this causes the disintegration of a marriage. I people don’t take their vows seriously it is a real problem. Many of my friends who have been divorced were divorced because the husband wandered.
I, personally think many men would NOT cheat if their women were women, not pseudo-men. And women would NOT cheat if their husbands loved them and resisted temptations of society by constantly peering at the nearest babe in a short skirt.!!!
I, personally think many men would NOT cheat if their women were women, not pseudo-men. And women would NOT cheat if their husbands loved them and resisted temptations of society by constantly peering at the nearest babe in a short skirt.!!!
AMEN to that!
Oh great. Germaine Greer thinks women should all celebrate the high divorce rate. Will the children be celebrating too?
Though my memory is a bit sketchy on the details, once Dr. Laura was on a talk show and was being scorned for defending traditional marriage. Others on the show were defending the validity of single parent families, etc. She asked those in the audience how many grew up with both parents, and most raised their hands. Then she asked them to put their hands down, all except those who wish they could have been raised in single parent homes. After a bit of hesitation, they all lowered their hands.

Those who have had to grow up in single parent homes or run one, I’m not saying you didn’t have good – or even unavoidable – cause in your case. I know it’s a tough road. I’m talking about societal definitions of what is ideal.
I, personally think many men would NOT cheat if their women were women, not pseudo-men. And women would NOT cheat if their husbands loved them and resisted temptations of society by constantly peering at the nearest babe in a short skirt.!!!
As JimG said, Amen to that!

Women are forgetting their place in society! They need to be submissive and allow themselves to be dependent upon their husbands!
I think most people don’t understand what marriage, sacramental marriage, really is.

They understand the civil contract, and “love”. They think they are making a commitment of feelings, and thus, when/if feelings change, they assume the commitment ends.

Marriage is a commitment to a life, a thing in itself apart from the feelings of the partners. It is about responsibility and security. It is about property and children and finances.

The civil aspects of marriage were created for purposes that had nothing to do with love. They had to do with human needs. Children needed to be raised, property needed to be passed on, people needed to be cared for in sickness, old age, etc, and marriage contracts met these needs.

Now, in our culture, there are other means of meeting these needs, and marriage has been romanticised into a game of warm fuzzy feelings.

People are not often inclined to endure something that is difficult if they see an easier option.

Many people, in days passed, stayed in horrible marriages because they truly had no other option. Now we’ve swung to the far extreme, so many options that staying in even a so-so marriage is considered passe.

I have no idea what the answer for society is. People, as a whole, tend to do what is expedient to them. Need is a big part of love, and when that is taken away…it is easy for the rest to follow.
I believe that the divorce rate is high because of a complete lack of morality - so many people don’t have any kind of values - whether they drink themselves into a stupor, take drugs get involved in illicit sex acts (group sex etc) and we are in a society of single mothers and deadbeat dads - this is because particularly in the uk we are in a no-blame culture - we cant tell someone they are wrong, we need to take control again - we should be able to say that a marriage vow is important - I am getting married and my h2b knows that divorce is NOT an option I am marrying for life - people want things to easy and when it gets hard they jump ship.
abc in the form on condoms, diaphragms, sponges etc. became widely available after WWI, and several books by prominent doctors and scientists urged their use, and there was intensive lobbying to against local laws that prohibited their use. look at movies, magazines and novels of the day, as well as personal letters in archival collections. Organizations like planned parenthood got a huge boost during the wave of immigration in the early 1900s and the “intellectuals” and opinion leaders of the early 20th century worked (as the gay rights lobby is doing today) successfully to change attitudes on marriage, sex, parenthood and birth control.

When the Anglicans voted in the 1930s to allow abc most mainstream Protestant denominations followed suit, with only the Catholic Church remaining a consistent firm voice warning of the damage to the family and to society.

Look to those same popular media and see how common divorce quickly became, how the same anti-child lobbyists turned their attention to liberalizing the divorce laws. One movie The Women still plays on the old movie channels occassionally and perfectly depicts the mentality and its devastating effects on marriage.

Janet Smith’s book, Humanae Vitae was Right, gives an excellent sociological analysis of OPs question.
Women are forgetting their place in society! They need to be submissive and allow themselves to be dependent upon their husbands!
that would include those husbands who forfeit all claim to respect by their immoral and abusive behavior?

that would include those husbands who view women only as an object for sexual gratification and use and abandon women like old kleenex?

that would include husbands who abdicate their roles?
Good posts puzzleannie. I agree with you wholeheartedly on both!
I think it is a combination of all the above:

–no-fault divorces
–easy annulments, partially due to the “elastic clause” of “immaturity”
–increased sexual immorality (which takes in ABC and pre-marital sex)
–unwillingness to “stick it out” and taking the “easy way out” over trivial matters

Additionally, the stigmas that society and the church used to have to bolster healthy marriages have fallen by the wayside. For one thing, when I was growing up, I was taught that if you were divorced and remarried w/o an annulment, you were excommunicated. Additionally, civil marriages were still the equivalent of living in sin. People no longer fear going to hell for these things, and unfortunately many leaders in the Church are “asleep at the switch” when it comes to reminding people about heaven/hell because they are afraid of coming off as too “negative”.

Second, society is more accepting of “alternate” family situations and there is a tenet of the lesbo-feminazi complex that “you don’t need to be married/have kids” to be happy. In fact, these “alternate” situations are being pushed! In one marketing course I took for my FLMI, when it came time to discuss typical life cycle of today’s person, one item was “in this age range is when people get divorced and move on to their second marriage” or words to that effect. And now when i turn on the TV I keep seeing advertisements for a show called “The Starter Wife”. And how often do our friends’ lives (including those at the parish!) revolve around “who has custody of the kid(s) this weekend?”

Additionally, let’s not overlook the interactions with the rest of the family. When I was growing up, all the uncles/aunts would be over at our grandparents’ house every Sunday for cards. NONE OF MY PARENTS’ GENERATION (AUNTS/UNCLES) HAD A MARRIAGE THAT ENDED IN DIVORCE! And how many women today can count on an older or stronger brother to protect her from a male that would do her wrong? These things I’m sure also act as deterrents to mistreating women, and could be extrapolated to other situations as well. And how often do people divorce when they move to a part of the country and they lessen conact with the rest of the family?
At fault is a general relaxation of moral and mental discipline, followed by other factors.
  • relativism
  • narcisism
  • permissivism
  • focus on rights and obliviousness of duties and obligations
  • poor knowledge of religion
  • weak experience of faith
  • weak belief in the authority of the Church’s moral teaching
  • willpower deficiency
  • poor choice of spouses
  • lack of inhibition from deceiving future spouses
  • secularisation and putting civil law above morality and canon law
  • depression, other post-industrial environment-related personality problems
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