Probably the pro choices that won’t eat an egg ,I’ve know vegans that think that way,abortion however,not so much of a problem for them
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And I’ve pointed out its flaws. If I’ve misrepresented any arguments, accept my apologies and feel free to clarify anything.I’ve explained my point as well as I can.
Then you (and @blackforest are missing the point). It’s not an argument. It’s an observation. You can still feel that a zygote is nothing more than a few cells and is not a person and that personhood comes much later and still argue against abortion.Freddy:
It just isn’t as good an argument as you think it is.I’ve explained my point as well as I can. I’m sorry that you don’t understand it.
So does a piece of my finger nail. That’s not relevant.A zygote has the exact same amount of genetic information as you or I.
I can only respond to what you write. If you say that we shouldn’t allow abortion because there is human dna involved then I can only respond to that. It has no bearing on personhood. Which I have already explained.Yes but cutting off your fingernail does not kill you. Destroying the zygote does. There is clearly a difference there, and biologically the zygote still is 100% a person.
The pertinent word is ‘someone’. A lot of people, and I have to repeat, including all those of the Jewish faith, do not consider the term to be applicable.I guess the question is- Why is killing someone else ,especially someone who cannot defend themselves- bad?
Might I point you in the direction of the Jewish beliefs in regard to this matter (yes, I know I’m on a Catholic forum). Personhood in Jewish TraditionIt is a person though Freddy. Biologically it has the exact same type of genetic information as you and I. What makes it different from a fingernail is that a fingernail does not kill the entire person where as it does with the zygote which is the entire person in the early stages.
Are you not following the discussion? That is not being argued. No-one has argued against that. The question of personhood is being discussed. Which is a matter of Catholic faith but which is not a scientific matter.But I do not care about what the Jewish faith says. I care about what the science says and what the Catholic faith says. They line up exactly the same: Human life begins at conception.
Hen eggs with red spots in the yolk means they are fertilized, some people still eat them, considering them just the egg, some dont because they are fertilized.Probably the pro choices that won’t eat an egg ,I’ve know vegans that think that way,abortion however,not so much of a problem for them
The Jewish position varies.You might find that many Jewish people are in that position.
The argument of good and evil is lost on a non believer.Now try to imagine what it would be like to be in support of abortion and hearing a Catholic say that the intentional killing of the unborn is evil, and then reading something like this quoted passage. Do you see the problem? Catholics are not consistent when it comes to the topic of the intentional killing of innocents.
Which is why I said ‘many’.Freddy:
The Jewish position varies.You might find that many Jewish people are in that position.
The Talmud ‘distinguishes between an embryo prior to the 40th day and those that develop past that point’. As per the link I gave earlier.And many do not.
Its a generalisation. This is a new topic, so a new thread is better, there is a body of academic literature on Jewish views on abortion.Which is why I said ‘many’.