Why is active homosexuality part of the "culture of death?"

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I have been challenged by an atheist on another thread as to why homosexuality is a threat to the Church. It really wasn’t appropiate for that particular thread as it was getting sort of off the topic that was being discussed. Homosexuality is such a big issue, I felt it deserved a thread of it’s own. So here goes. . .


*How is [active] homosexuality part of the “culture of death?” *


It does not bring forth any sort of fruits of life and is an extremely selfish lifestyle. Does the Church love the homosexual person? Yes, of course, for all are made in the image and likeness of God. Has the homosexual strayed from that image and likeness of God? Yes, big time. The sinful acts of the homosexual lifestyle are what the Church teaches against, for they are not life-affirming, and destroy the soul.

Anyone else want to help defend the truth. . .??? :ehh:
I like your answer.

In my Vision for the Catholic Church in the United States for the 21st Century, I include this commentary of the Culture of Death and you may find it useful.:

Culture of Death
“Human life is insignificant, just let me do what I want to do.”

The Culture of Death takes the attitude that whatever they (those who can) want to do they should be able to even if it hurts other people. Human Rights are recognized to the least extent possible.

The American people are influenced to accept the Culture of Death by a majority of American journalists and most of these are or represent the liberal elite and their agenda. Reporting is generalized biased supporting the culture of death and opposing and belittling the culture of life.

During the last part of the twentieth century, a movement for “Tolerance” of ideas arose, but only in areas, including immorality, approved by the liberal elite. This Tolerance movement is based on the falsehood that “Truth is Subjective; there is no objective right and wrong.” and is intolerant of many Christians beliefs and truths. The Church should not tolerate sin in any form; just forgive repentant sinners.

Human life is sacred. The Church must stand up firmly for life against the Culture of Death in whatever form it appears.

scaxter said:
*How is [active]
homosexuality part of the “culture of death?” *

In the United States, the average practicing homosexual dies in his 40’s. The average heterosexual dies in his 70’s.

If that is not evidence of a culture of death, what is?
Mike O:
In the United States, the average practicing homosexual dies in his 40’s. The average heterosexual dies in his 70’s.

If that is not evidence of a culture of death, what is?
Don’t think I’m about to take up a defense of the homosexual side. But that doesn’t mean I’m ready to swallow any negative statement about homosexuals indiscriminately. This is an enormous claim. I’d have to see a source. Even then I probably wouldn’t swallow it unless I knew all the details of the study.

When explaining about homosexuals and the culture of death, be ready for someone to point out that the celibate religious are also a group who have willfully turned their backs on generating new life. Why is celibacy not part of the “culture of death?” Or more generally, so homosexual sex is not life generating? Why single them out? The world is divided into those-willing-to-breed and those who do not. What distinguishes homosexuals out of the class of all those who do not breed?

I’m just playing devil’s advocate here. If I was the atheist in this discussion, it is a question I would put to you.
Racer X:
Don’t think I’m about to take up a defense of the homosexual side. But that doesn’t mean I’m ready to swallow any negative statement about homosexuals indiscriminately. This is an enormous claim. I’d have to see a source. Even then I probably wouldn’t swallow it unless I knew all the details of the study.
Racer X:
Don’t think I’m about to take up a defense of the homosexual side. But that doesn’t mean I’m ready to swallow any negative statement about homosexuals indiscriminately. This is an enormous claim. I’d have to see a source. Even then I probably wouldn’t swallow it unless I knew all the details of the study.

When explaining about homosexuals and the culture of death, be ready for someone to point out that the celibate religious are also a group who have willfully turned their backs on generating new life. Why is celibacy not part of the “culture of death?” Or more generally, so homosexual sex is not life generating? Why single them out? The world is divided into those-willing-to-breed and those who do not. What distinguishes homosexuals out of the class of all those who do not breed?

I’m just playing devil’s advocate here. If I was the atheist in this discussion, it is a question I would put to you.
What singles them out? The perversion to their acts.

Are they alone? No, they have gay priests preying on innocent children, pedophiles, rapists who prey upon women [or children, boys, other men] etc. etc. etc.

Celibacy is not part of the culture of death because it is NOT a selfish act, it is a sacrifice, in fact it is a sacrificial gift to God that leads one closer to Him, not farther from him, as homosexuality does. Homosexual acts, just like premarital sexual acts and contraception in marriage are all considered mortal sins by the Church. Why? Because they are very selfish lifestyles that do not promote life nor true love. You can’t use someone simply for your own gain of pleasure. That is not love.

Also, homosexuality is [somewhat] singled out compared to the other non-life-producing sexual sins because there is such an added twist of perversion to it’s activities. Yes, it’s very wrong to have premarital sex with partners of opposite sex, but homosexuality is wrong on two accounts: it is the choice to have premarital sex [of some kind], plus perverted sex with the same gender.

Does this mean then that we should be promoting gay marriages? Of course not, in fact, that is what I consider to be a big step that is going to lead to the deterioration and destruction of our society unlike we have ever known or seen before here in America among other things as well]. It is opening the door to more and more people choosing that lifestyle, thinking it is okay, becoming more free to condone it, adopting children within that immoral lifestyle and passing that lifestyle [and condoning the idea of it] onto those children who will be brought up in that atmosphere. Then, that is going to lead to problems for those defending the truth about homosexuality because those defending the truth will be charged with discrimination, etc., etc, etc.

God is all about LIFE and LOVE, the two go hand in hand and cannot be separated. Just like the Church and the Bible cannot be separated, nor can truth and love. If a person chooses to not bring life into the world, he/she also must live that choice by being chaste. You can’t say “yes” to sex and “no” to life. Sex was created for reasons and those reasons can’t be separated. Pleasure and reproduction of God’s human race. They go hand in hand in God’s plan.
Mike O:
In the United States, the average practicing homosexual dies in his 40’s. The average heterosexual dies in his 70’s.

If that is not evidence of a culture of death, what is?
Not true. This stat was developed by Paul Cameron by reviewing obituaries in gay magazines. It is statistical nonsense.

This link refutes the Cameron study on the basis of it’s ststistical invalidity.

Mortal sin (homosexual relations) kills the spirit-death!

Homosexual lifestyle is counter to procreation, cannot bring life-death!

Active homosexuality is contrary to the culture of life, which by definition is the culture of death.
All sexual sin contributes to the culture of death. Contraception leads to extramarital sex, adultery, cohabitation, and abortion. Homosexual activity denies the very nature of marital intimacy. All these are detrimental to marriage and a culture of life. The vast variety and permutations of perversion found in pornography often show a link between illicit sexual activity and death, up to and including snuff films. Now people even seek out violence on the internet which cannot be shown on TV.

All sexual sin contributes to the culture of death. Contraception leads to extramarital sex, adultery, cohabitation, and abortion. Homosexual activity denies the very nature of marital intimacy. All these are detrimental to marriage and a culture of life. The vast variety and permutations of perversion found in pornography often show a link between illicit sexual activity and death, up to and including snuff films. Now people even seek out violence on the internet which cannot be shown on TV.

Thank you, JimG. Well put. I had forgotten to mention porn as part of the culture of death.

God have mercy on America and the world. Just looking at how rampant the “sex sins” are in the world, there is no where else to turn, except to His infinite Mercy, and the prayers of Our Pure Virgin and Mother.
I personally don’t think that homosexuality is “part of the culture of death”, I think the new acceptance of homosexual acts is a result of the culture of death.

When people start putting such a small value on life, that they kill the unborn and have no problem with euthanasia, stem cell research, etc. then relationships that do not produce life are accepted as normal.

It’s a “me first” mentality now, the way I feel is more important then any rules or even whether a fetus lives. If I have a life inside of me that isn’t convienant I must get rid of it. If I have feelings towards another man I must act on those feelings instead of realize they are wrong.

If I can not produce a kid on my own, I need artificial methods to do it if I want it, if I don’t want a kid I produced, lets get rid of it.

All products of the culture of death we now live in.
Note the lack of foornotes or literature citings for the claims in this article. This type of backup for a claim is worthless. It’s simply another post.
note the sister links… looks to be a site for NRA… extreme opinions and not much tollerance for those that don’t buy into their mode of thought or way of life… appears to an inviting bunch of patriots… 😦
Maurauder - RE I personally don’t think that homosexuality is “part of the culture of death”, I think the new acceptance of homosexual acts is a result of the culture of death. I think Saint Paul agrees with you . See Romans 1:24-28 Therefore, God handed them over to impurity through the lusts of their hearts for the mutual degradation of their bodies. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and revered and worshiped the creature rather than the creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Therefore, God handed them over to degrading passions. Their females exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females and burned with lust for one another. Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God handed them over to their undiscerning mind to do what is improper
Joe Kelley:
Maurauder - RE I personally don’t think that homosexuality is “part of the culture of death”, I think the new acceptance of homosexual acts is a result of the culture of death. I think Saint Paul agrees with you . See Romans 1:24-28 Therefore, God handed them over to impurity through the lusts of their hearts for the mutual degradation of their bodies. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and revered and worshiped the creature rather than the creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Therefore, God handed them over to degrading passions. Their females exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females and burned with lust for one another. Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God handed them over to their undiscerning mind to do what is improper
Wow, Joe, thank you for bringing that Bible verse to our attention. I am beginning to understand what you and Maurauder are saying as far as homosexuality being a result of the culture of death. Could you please explain to me then, exactly what is the culture of death in your opinion or maybe what Pope John Paul II is specifically referring to. Is abortion a result or a symptom? Does the culture of death then begin first in the heart and all sins are results of “the heart” not being right? Thank you.
Could you please explain to me then, exactly what is the culture of death in your opinion or maybe what Pope John Paul II is specifically referring to.
The culture of death leads to eternal death. The culture of life leads to eternal life:

For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
Matt. 7:14

For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?
Mark 8:36

And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”

I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life … .
Deut. 30:19

In him was life, and the life was the light of men.
John 1:4

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Rom. 6:23
Why is active homosexuality part of the “culture of death?” Because unrepentant active homosexuality is a mortal sin that will bring about the punishment the second death:

Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor practicing homosexuals nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.
1Cor. 6: 9-10

But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, as for murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their lot shall be in the lake that burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.
Rev. 21:8
Scaxter - I haven’t spent enough time on Pope John Paul II’s writing to comment intelligently on it.

However, I have always been struck by a comment of Father Jim Nisbet on the Eighth Station, Jesus Comforts the Women of Jerusalem. They, like us, were bewailing the effect of sin. He told them not to sorrow for Him but for their sins which had put Him there.

We bewail homosexual marriage, but not the contraception and divorce which destroyed the meaning of marriage.

We bewail abortion, but not the materialism that made children a threat to family affluence We regard children as trophies of our success; not souls to be brought to the Father.

We bewail white-collar crime, but not the philosophy which has put Success above Fidelity.

Didn’t mean to run on, but you gave me a soap box. 😉
I hope no one has misunderstood me here. I have always believed that these horrendous sins of abortion, homosexuality, fornication, pornography, materialism, remarriage, child abuse, idolotry of anything, the list goes on and on and on, are ALL part of the culture of death. I didn’t really stop to think if they are a result or a symptom, they just ARE.

They are all so prevalent is our society today, and that is why I think John Paul calls this the culture of death. They each contribute to this culture in very drastic, and devastating ways. It is sort of like President Bush fighting a war against terrorism. It isn’t really in any one country, yet, it is all over and can strike in any country.

We Catholics are fighting a war against the death culture. It lurks in every corner, in places you would never have expected. It has become so common place for more and more people to fall for ideas and sins that that they never would have a five-ten years ago. For example, the number of people getting divorces is absolutely shocking, but the number of people who condone second marriages is even more shocking. The number of people coming forward claiming to be gay is only in the beginning stages. I believe this is going to sky rocket and bring all kinds of troubling issues for the future of America. Are we heading to a fall like the Roman Empire?

Try raising kids amidst this. It is a battle for their souls. Satan against you, and believe me–He pushes hard, really hard. Don’t get me wrong. I know Jesus Christ will win this battle and we need His dear Mother to help us as all graces are passed out to us through her, God willing.

Sorry, now I have gone on and on. My last question is: How is this society so different today to be called the Culture of Death vs. another barbaric society of ages gone by?
Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity.

Is it as simple as saying that the homosexual lifestyles produce the everlasting AIDS/HIV epidemic? I do struggle with this. Now, I heard on TV that the AIDS virus could’ve been inoculated through the polio vaccine in the Third World! What to think?

And if homosexual acts passes this virus around, well, I only ever hear from men that are infected. I never hear from lesbians being infected.

Rome was well known for its sexual perversions: whether it be homosexuality, pedophile acts, lesbianism, sexual orgies, etc etc.

What is the due penalty for their perversity? Just a question…
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