Racer X:
Don’t think I’m about to take up a defense of the homosexual side. But that doesn’t mean I’m ready to swallow any negative statement about homosexuals indiscriminately. This is an enormous claim. I’d have to see a source. Even then I probably wouldn’t swallow it unless I knew all the details of the study.
When explaining about homosexuals and the culture of death, be ready for someone to point out that the celibate religious are also a group who have willfully turned their backs on generating new life. Why is celibacy not part of the “culture of death?” Or more generally, so homosexual sex is not life generating? Why single them out? The world is divided into those-willing-to-breed and those who do not. What distinguishes homosexuals out of the class of all those who do not breed?
I’m just playing devil’s advocate here. If I was the atheist in this discussion, it is a question I would put to you.
What singles them out? The perversion to their acts.
Are they alone? No, they have gay priests preying on innocent children, pedophiles, rapists who prey upon women [or children, boys, other men] etc. etc. etc.
Celibacy is
not part of the culture of death because it is NOT a selfish act, it is a sacrifice, in fact it is a sacrificial gift to God that leads one closer to Him, not farther from him, as homosexuality does. Homosexual acts, just like premarital sexual acts and contraception in marriage are all considered mortal sins by the Church. Why? Because they are very selfish lifestyles that do not promote life nor
true love. You can’t use someone simply for your own gain of pleasure. That is not love.
Also, homosexuality is [somewhat] singled out compared to the other non-life-producing sexual sins because there is such an added twist of perversion to it’s activities. Yes, it’s very wrong to have premarital sex with partners of opposite sex, but homosexuality is wrong on two accounts: it is the choice to have premarital sex [of some kind], plus perverted sex with the same gender.
Does this mean then that we should be promoting gay marriages?
Of course not, in fact, that is what I consider to be a big step that is going to lead to the deterioration and destruction of our society unlike we have ever known or seen before here in America
among other things as well]. It is opening the door to more and more people choosing that lifestyle, thinking it is okay, becoming more free to condone it, adopting children within that immoral lifestyle and passing that lifestyle [and condoning the idea of it] onto those children who will be brought up in that atmosphere. Then, that is going to lead to problems for those defending the truth about homosexuality because those defending the truth will be charged with discrimination, etc., etc, etc.
God is all about LIFE and LOVE, the two go hand in hand and cannot be separated. Just like the Church and the Bible cannot be separated, nor can truth and love. If a person chooses to not bring life into the world, he/she also must
live that choice by being chaste. You can’t say “yes” to sex and “no” to life. Sex was created for reasons and those reasons can’t be separated. Pleasure and reproduction of God’s human race. They go hand in hand in God’s plan.