I’d have to agree.I personally don’t think that homosexuality is “part of the culture of death”, I think the new acceptance of homosexual acts is a result of the culture of death.
When people start putting such a small value on life, that they kill the unborn and have no problem with euthanasia, stem cell research, etc. then relationships that do not produce life are accepted as normal.
It’s a “me first” mentality now, the way I feel is more important then any rules or even whether a fetus lives. If I have a life inside of me that isn’t convienant I must get rid of it. If I have feelings towards another man I must act on those feelings instead of realize they are wrong.
If I can not produce a kid on my own, I need artificial methods to do it if I want it, if I don’t want a kid I produced, lets get rid of it.
All products of the culture of death we now live in.
I recently heard an open-line show on a secular radio station discuss the abortion issue from the point of view of recent medical advances that keep pointing relentlessly to the fact that what is growing inside a woman is a life, identifiable now as early as 12 weeks in a new method of ultrasound. A “pro-choice” caller, a woman, actually said that most pro-choicers know absolutely that it is a life, yet they are worried about the consequences if they admit it. I was astounded.
She was essentially saying that abortion was killing but she wanted to hang on to that option. I was driving down the road screaming at the radio, “what in the name of all that is Holy is so important that you readily admit you would kill for it?!” Lifestyle? Money? Sex without consequences?
The absolute epitome of selfishness, self-centeredness. Absolutely the culture of death. May God help us.