Why is bad music like rap so popular instead of music like heavy metal or rock?

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rap music is going through an evolution. “trap music” is the new style of hip hop which is really popular.
but there is something common enough for it to be a classification.
Of course. That’s why we consider it a genre. The problem is that you’re focusing on the wrong aspects of how we determine genre. Genre is determined by musical structure and choice of instruments. We don’t categorize music by emotion.
But there is a reason people chose ‘Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring’ for their wedding over Sepultura’s ‘Roots’.
Believe it or not, there are love songs in metal.

Anyways, I’m not saying metal is suitable for every setting. There are obviously times when we want to be more meditative, and metal isn’t really conducive to that given its generally high-energy and busy nature. I’m saying that reducing the genre down to anger is ignorant of what it is capable of.
I listened to one song…couldn’t understand as the guy was screaming…and sounded like he was smashing his guitar…
There are subgenres of metal that tend towards screaming and growling vocals. That isn’t a universally-used style, though. There’s also clean, poppy, operatic, classical, and other lesser-used styles.
I don’t think that the video capture is suitable to post on a Catholic website.
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If so then you are very unusual. For the vast majority of people that isn’t so.
Ha ha! I get tingles and goosebumps, I mean an almost debilitating, orgasm-like state of mind, from several different kinds of music including classical and rock. My old girlfriend used to kid me about that. She thought I had some neurological condition or was making the whole thing up. Then one day it happened to her, … um, … when she heard wedding music! What does that mean?
Its a terrible photo, I agree, but it is just wat youtube put there. The video is mainly a narrative by someone explaining why the music is such rubbish today. I will see if I can get the viseo without that photo, but it is rare to have any visuals of today’s pop stars looking otherwise.
Nevertheless the content of the video is accurate. and well presented.
Yes. I surveyed movies, shows, advertisements, the results of different types of concerts, and weddings. The survey results are that classical music causes people to be much more calm than other forms.
Or maybe the settings it which classical music is traditionally played (i.e. wedding venues, indoor theaters) aren’t conducive to moshing/dancing.
For instance shootings are unheard of at symphonies but not uncommon at rap concerts.
They’re also more common at schools than candy stores. Apples and oranges.
But i suggest you personally don’t attend any symphonies since you report it sends you into a rage.
I believe the word was “hyped-up”, which last I checked can be applied to any highly emotional state. I’ve attended quite a few symphonies and listened to quite a bit of classical music. Contrary to your condescending suggestions, feeling strong, primal emotion does not automatically equate to being enraged.
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I wonder why rap music is more popular than music like metal or rock music?
I don’t understand rap, but that’s not what bothers me. I don’t like the dangerous gangsta image that it glorifies. These guys that do rap, do their best to look menacing, and their lyrics are designed to be concerned, and the young people follow this stuff.

The image they portray of young black men is one that looks like it was designed by the KKK.
All music will, on some level, bring with it an appeal to the emotions, but some music, moreso than others. Some music is designed to appeal to the level of instinct, mainly, some music is more geared to the emotions, and some reaches higher. Beethoven appeals to a mixture. His music is very emotional at times. Rap is probably more along the lines of instinctive-drive/emotion/euphoria.
And it is mainly marketed to self loathing white Middle class teenagers.
Much of the earlier music was folk music. It was performed by common folks. It was how they entertained themselves. They didn’t have TV or even radio. Now music is a product created for you. This makes music very different. Vestiges of the old music remain but the future isn’t looking good.
Believe it or not, there are love songs in metal.

Anyways, I’m not saying metal is suitable for every setting. There are obviously times when we want to be more meditative, and metal isn’t really conducive to that given its generally high-energy and busy nature. I’m saying that reducing the genre down to anger is ignorant of what it is capable of.
I believe it.

It isn’t that I’m ignorant of the genre. We agree on the high energy and busy nature of the music. You are right that not every metal song results in anger. But I do think it tends towards anger. Or it is particularly fitting for anger.
They’re also more common at schools than candy stores. Apples and oranges.
I thought we all agree music affects us. If so then the affect of music is relevant.
I thought we all agree music affects us. If so then the affect of music is relevant.
Or…maybe correlation isn’t causation. I highly doubt otherwise peaceful people go into rap concerts and are spontaneously like “Okay, time to pop some caps in these people!”
Your point about music being created for you is spot on. Its one reason why I always rejected MTV and music videos. I always viewed msic as a unique connection between performer and each individual listener whose minds would conjure up their own imaginations and reactions to the content, rather than some hollywood producer tell us what we are supposed to think.
Or…maybe correlation isn’t causation. I highly doubt otherwise peaceful people go into rap concerts and are spontaneously like “Okay, time to pop some caps in these people!”
I doubt the music alone is what makes people murder. But if it is the kind of music chosen by people who do like to shoot people I’d avoid it. If it particularly appeals to people who murder then it says something about the music itself.
But if it is the kind of music chosen by people who do like to shoot people I’d avoid it. If it particularly appeals to people who murder then it says something about the music itself.
Too much conjecture, and too many assumptions. Again, correlation =/= causation.

Just because something doesn’t appeal to you aesthetically, that doesn’t make it evil.
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I wonder why rap music is more popular than music like metal or rock music?
Going back to the OP, does everyone accept this premise as true? Is rap more popular than metal or rock?

I’m more or less unplugged from what is popular. I listen to what I like to listen to. I don’t listen to the radio. I can’t say I know anyone who is a fan of rap. But then, I can’t say I know anyone who is a fan of metal (besides me and my brother).
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