Why is bad music like rap so popular instead of music like heavy metal or rock?

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I don’t agree that rap is bad music. It’s not my favourite, and sure, there’s a lot of it out there that is garbage, but the same goes for a lot of genres to be honest. I will say that I’m not a fan of the subject matter of the lyrics much of the time with the mainstream stuff, and that puts me off a lot of it. But this can go for rock, metal, and lots else too.

As for why it’s so popular, I couldn’t tell you. I suppose it’s an easier listen (to some) than something like metal, which requires a certain mindset or narrower set of preferences to enjoy.
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Who says metal and (most) rock are good music? Everything is relative and personal including musical taste.
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Put your hat on backward, drop your pants enough that your underwear is showing and start making sounds that are indefinable and try to rhyme and here we go… Never think that that music is popular, more popular than rock music…old time rock n roll { thank you Bob Seger ] be around forever…
I’m surprised to hear the CCM-like complaint, as a big part of the reason they hooked me almost 15 years ago is that I felt they were lyrically not like CCM
Yeah, thinking back, my criticism was more towards As the World Bleeds than the whole of Theocracy, and even at that, it would probably be best to describe it as “Evangelical cliches put to song”. Having been Evangelical/Pentecostal, it can be somewhat uncomfortable for me, in the rediscovering a “deep” Facebook post from when I was fifteen sort of way.

Also, just realized that I never fully listened to Ghost Ship. Late 2016 was an awful time for me, and I just never got around to the album. I better remedy that soon. I’ll also look at the others. Thanks!
Gilgamesh!? You piker. My ears are still ringing from the Big Bang…
All of the music in the OP is pretty bad. Gregorian Chant master race.
Pic very related(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Here’s some early rap loved by three generations in my family:

First of all, I’m not sure if I agree with the premise that all heavy metal is good. It’s not something I want to listen to for very long.

I suspect that what makes the OP think rap is ‘bad’ is that either 1 - the lyrics are objectionable to which I couldn’t agree more and 2 - music is made up of melody and rhythm, in varying degrees, and people who grow up with a musical tradition that is heavy on the one and light on the other, could have a bias against musical genres that they aren’t familiar with. The Western tradition, exemplified by classical music, emphasizes sophisticated melody and has a very under-developed rhythmic component; but most African and African-derived music, including rap, is the opposite: heavy on the rhythm and under-developed when it comes to melody. I put forward the thesis that the OP thinks heavy metal is good because it has a melody and little rhythm, and that rap is bad because it is largely rhythmic (and possibly also because the words bother him; not sure why the lyrics of heavy metal don’t bother him), and that if he were exposed to it more he might grow to appreciate if not like it as music.
That is what meant. Most of the lyrics i find kinda objectionable and seems to have no beat,from someone who has played guitar and knows a little bit about music theory it seems different.
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