Why even allow a thing to have intellect. Why not just manufacture all of its thoughts too?Why can’t God create a being which is as intelligent as us, and can know him, but doesn’t have freedom? Why can’t a person exist in a way where they are bound to accept God? Wouldn’t that be better than having the chaos of random choice?
There is a kind of dignity or good involved in not being forced into a relationship. I think that is pretty self evident, or at least it would be a shame if you thought that slavery was better.
Well you look at the chocolate and you thought it would be nice to eat it. But you also know that you do not have to eat it and can choose to do otherwise, perhaps for reasons of health. Would we even have a concept of choice if we did not know that we could choose or that we were choosing according to our own self-determined goals or values?In the end, no matter how I act, it always feels like it was bound to happen. A personal choice can be reduced to an amalgamation of predetermined personal disposition to act a certain way, and of external stimuli. Saying that a choice is indeterministic does not make it feel any more free. It just feels like in the end, my choice was just random, and didn’t really “involve” me, if that makes sense.
We choose according to what we think is good for us. If we had no freedom at all, we would act to a given end regardless of what we think.
I cannot help but think that i do have to some degree self-determinism even if i am influenced by things.