Freedom - If you are (in your will) inclined to accept your passive appetites as final, then you are not free, but are determined by whatever appears to the senses. But if you are (in your will) inclined to an end judged by the council of your reason, then your acts will be moved (through your passive sensitive powers) as driven by your will and not by the appearances of outside motive objects. Your bodily movement will be moved from within yourself rather than from immediate objects received by the senses.
Still, there is the “sensation” of not being free in this freedom, because the sensitive appetites “feel” compelled not to be satisfied per their natural inclination, and these appetites move the passive thoughts to have images of being imprisoned and unable to “move freely” toward the determined inclination.
If your “choice” is temporal, such as wanting to be “sin-free” right now, or to stack up a set of “sin-free” days and daily build on it, you will not be experiencing acts of free will. Instead you will be satisfying passive appetites for pride, where your acts themselves are objects moving your appetite for pride, or in most cases you will invariably fail at the choice.
But if your “choice” to do or not do some specific act is in relation to the impact of acts in aiding or hindering the reaching your destination (final end), then you do experience that you are free from passive movement to get what an appetite perceives will satisfy it whenever such an object appears to the senses. You love something more than (bodily) life itself.
A determined act is one that passively occurs in response to an apprehension of the senses.
A non-determined act is one that occurs in indifference to an apprehension by the passive senses, but is moved into act for its own sake (so that the act takes place or “is” in actuality).
My personal goal or purpose while here: Jesus asked, “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” Well, I am making choices to make sure that when he returns he will at least find me saying, “Yes, you will find faith, at a minimum with me. and I believe there are others.” Jesus is coming, so I cannot give up and move whenever objects of desire appear in front of me, but instead move with my own goal’s agenda. And that is my freedom.
If there were some other idea of what freedom means, I really have no interest in it since it has no impact on my goal. But this freedom that I know is necessary to me. If I were a rational being who knew the divine without being free from passive appetites, I would be very very rationally disappointed in not being able to have Him because my appetites wanted cookies, which appear all the time in front of me.