I think God chose humans to spread the truth because s/he knew we would eventually confound ourselves by placing labels on her/him… I agree that because we are human and verbal, written, visual communication is the only way we can inform, teach another, God chose a man, Christ, to do the initial spiritual work on earth because at that time society was absolutely patriarchal. And this type of society was accepted by most members of the world then. BUT did God actually say that ONLY men were to be the leaders in Faith? Or did MEN continue to ordain the roles of both men and women after Christ’s death?. After all, we well know in History that the stronger person, group etc. are the ones that win. And winners get to write the history of what happened. Now, I am not denying any truths here regarding those who wrote the gospels, epistles documents etc. , but have you ever considered that half of humanity, regarding leadership in the church, was left out after Christ died? It is very hard for me to picture every woman in Jerusalem, the Gallilee etc. staying behind closed doors and not going to hear Jesus talk and not taking some form of leadership role. True, those women had to observe Judaic law (read, “What the guys said”, here.) unless they were lucky to be wealthy enough not to have to depend on the male half of the world to see to their care.
Call me feminist if you wish. I certainly am not against the family organization, but that is another topic. But I will say this, I don’t know if God ordained the structure of the family, or if the male side of humanity did, but I firmly believe when Christ was here on Earth, He treated both male and female equally as having equal skills, perhaps different, but equal, as both male and female having souls worth saving, that we were all sons and DAUGHTERS of God. I truly believe that God, just as all we humans do, have both male and female qualities. It is just that males have more of a certain quality/qualities and females more of others. God truly understands both male and female. He accepts both male and female. He loves both male and female equally. So as both the male and female, especially the female having to fill a role designated from biblical days and before, I think that for some women, “What a waste of talent and knowledge”.