Why is it not a sin to eat meat, fish, eggs?

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Please provide catholic views on the question asked in the title.
Whether it would be sin to eat food brought, violating covid safety protocols Moral Theology
Suppose a family member brings home food ingredients/products like vegetables, rice etc. Suppose that he violates covid safety protocols (like not wearing masks or going outside to buy food ingredients daily despite being a senior citizen) while bringing the food ingredients. In this case, would it be a sin for me to have the food prepared using the food ingredients the family.member brought violating safety protocols?
Rodney you might be approaching the food issue from an ocd/scrupulous view. These questions are best asked to your priest.
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As a strict vegetarian, I am confused on why you think it would be.
Agree that the OP should talk to a priest about the nature of sin and ask the questions there. Not here.
Jesus and his apostles are shown right in the Scriptures eating meat (Passover lamb) and fish. Several of the Apostles were fishermen for a living, catching fish for people to eat, and Jesus multiplied fish for the crowds who came to hear him preach. If Jesus ate meat and fish and encouraged his followers to eat it and distribute it, why in the world would be a sin?
You think Jesus sins and causes others to sin? That’s nonsensical.

You seem to have scrupulosity issues with food, based on your starting two threds about food and sin.

Please discuss with a priest.
I would die without these blessings/stuff from God. Pizza without cheese nor even pepperoni :crazy_face:

Jesus ate lamb meat and fresh cows milk for sure. LOL and Jesus ate fish too!

They were blessings given by God, so why don’t we. Even in Genesis, God let Noah and his family to these animals except for the unclean.

While in some part of Acts, if I’m not mistaken, God told St. Peter that it’s not bad to eat unclean food like owls, lizards, and pigs.
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I completely misread the title.

It’s not, because God made animals to be food for man.
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According to the Holy Bible, we are only allowed to eat meat from animal species which chew the cud, but divide the hoof.
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According to the Holy Bible, we are only allowed to eat meat from animal species which chew the cud, but divide the hoof.
Old Testament law isn’t binding upon Christians, only the Jews of the Old Testament. We don’t have to worry about what chews cud or what their hooves look like.
I sure hope it isn’t lol. I eat a strictly carnivore diet. But God gave us dominion over the animals and has allowed us to eat them. It is well documented in the Bible so don’t sweat it and eat some meat!
Eating unclean animals causes health problems; God is right.
Eating unclean animals causes health problems; God is right.
From the Book of Acts:
“10:9 And on the next day, whilst they were going on their journey and drawing nigh to the city, Peter went up to the higher parts of the house to pray, about the sixth hour.
10:10 And being hungry, he was desirous to taste somewhat. And as they were preparing, there came upon him an ecstasy of mind.
10:11 And he saw the heaven opened and a certain vessel descending, as it were a great linen sheet let down by the four corners from heaven to the earth:
10:12 Wherein were all manner of four-footed beasts and creeping things of the earth and fowls of the air.
10:13 And there came a voice to him: Arise, Peter. Kill and eat.
10:14 But Peter said: Far be it from me. For I never did eat any thing that is common and unclean.
10:15 And the voice spoke to him again the second time: That which God hath cleansed, do not thou call common.
10:16 And this was done thrice. And presently the vessel was taken up into heaven.”
Haydock’s Commentary:
" Ver. 10. There came upon him an ecstasy [1] of mind. This is the true sense by the Greek. I have never yet eaten any unclean thing. This seems to have happened, an. 35. Till then the apostles followed the ceremonies of the law of Moses. It may seem strange that even S. Peter should not know that the ceremonial precepts of the law were to be abolished. It may be answered, that S. Peter and they, were only ignorant of the time, when they were to be laid aside; and so S. Chrysostom says, that the conversion of Cornelius, with all its circumstances, was to convince the Jews, rather than the apostles, that those ceremonies were no longer obligatory. Wi.
Ver. 15. God hath purified. Not that the Almighty had already sanctified the Gentiles; but he had called them, that they might become so. He had thrown down the wall of separation, which had stood between Jew and Gentile; he had made one fold to contain all the sheep under one shepherd. Jesus Christ, by his blood, had generally reconciled all mankind to his Father. In this sense all were pure; that is, all had a right, as all were called, to partake of the merits of the Son of God. All had a right to communicate in the truths of the gospel, and in the sacraments, which were the appointed channels, through which the graces and merits of Jesus Christ were applied. Calmet. — Here, then, God first announced to Peter, that the time was come to preach to the Gentiles unto salvation, no less than to the Jews; with full freedom to eat all meats, without respect to the prohibition of some made in the old law. B."
If you want to stick to Jewish dietary laws, that’s fine. But do not present them as Catholic teaching.
Unclean animals are unfit for human consumption; I eat clean animals because I am Catholic.
We are to obey the Holy Bible and only eat meat from animal species God created fit for human consumption.
We are to obey the Holy Bible and only eat meat from animal species God created fit for human consumption.
I asked for a quote from the Catechism. Catholic teaching does not conflict with Scripture, so if such a rule exists for Catholics, it will be in the Catechism. Please cite to me where in the Catechism that we are bound to Jewish dietary laws.
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You have not been able to prove unclean animals are safe to eat.
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