Why is it so hard for many........?

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I disagree. As I grew up Protestant, I can tell you that from my own experience it is because we believe that when Jesus died for our sins, that allowed us to have a personal relationship with God through Him. Therefore, it was no longer necessary for us to go through the Priests and Rabbis for access to God.
I disagree. As I grew up Protestant, I can tell you that from my own experience it is because we believe that when Jesus died for our sins, that allowed us to have a personal relationship with God through Him. Therefore, it was no longer necessary for us to go through the Priests and Rabbis for access to God.
I can appreciate that, but I think that understanding contradicts Scripture. After all, in Matt 16:18, the Lord says “…upon this rock I will build my church…” If Christ intended everyone to just go to the Father through Him, why would he bother building a church? I also think it’s pretty clear from Scripture that Christ endowed the apostles with special authority, and commisioned them to make believers, so I think the idea of a “church” as a gathering of people going to the Father through Christ personally is also off-base.
Ordained Leaders Share in Jesus’ Ministry and Authority

Matt. 10:1,40 - Jesus declares to His apostles, “he who receives you, receives Me, and he who rejects you, rejects Me and the One who sent Me.” Jesus freely gives His authority to the apostles in order for them to effectively convert the world.

Matt. 16:19; 18:18 - the apostles are given Christ’s authority to make visible decisions on earth that will be ratified in heaven. God raises up humanity in Christ by exalting his chosen leaders and endowing them with the authority and grace they need to bring about the conversion of all. Without a central authority in the Church, there would be chaos (as there is in Protestantism).

Luke 9:1; 10:19 - Jesus gives the apostles authority over the natural and the supernatural (diseases, demons, serpents, and scorpions).

Luke 10:16 - Jesus tells His apostles, “he who hears you, hears Me.” When we hear the bishops’ teaching on the faith, we hear Christ Himself. Luke 22:29 - the Father gives the kingdom to the Son, and the Son gives the kingdom to the apostles. The gift is transferred from the Father to the Son to the apostles. :blessyou:
Why is it so hard for many (both outside of the Catholic Churhc and sadly, for many ‘inside’ the Catholic Church) to accept the reality of one supreme Pastor of the whole Christian church , the Pope?
The bottom line…If people accepted it, they will HAVE TO CHANGE.
I can only imagine, many protestant people in seminary, honestly persuing truth, upon realizing their error of being outside the catholic church, how would they initially react to this revelation in their lives? I believe it is fear that suppresses the truth. After all, what happens next? After a lifetime of persuing the gospel with protestant faith, realizing catholcism is true… what about friends, family, evangalizing goals, pride, admitting you are wrong or have been? I guess it would be kinda tough for anyone…
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