When I say that TNT had responded I knew that this would be interesting.
TNT, your criticism of Rahner is nothing short of slanderous. First you lift most of your information from two articles, one hosted on a traditionalist web-page:
The other article it is obvious you only bothered to read the introduction to:
as the NCR reported that the Rahner-Rinser relationship was celibate: “All three parties to this apparently celibate love triangle – Rinser, Rahner and “M.A.,” as she refers to the abbot [who was her spiritual director]”
“Publishing excerpts of these letters, she told him could help many priests to “sanctify love.” Rinser refers in her letters to Rahner’s commitment to celibacy.”
Also note that many of the letters are of a theological nature:
“Rahner wrote Rinser some 2,203 letters, both personal and theological”
Actually read the article next time and you will see what essentially we have here is a beautiful story of a Priest torn between his love of God (including his vows as a priest) and his love for a woman he can never have. It reminds me of the Abelard and Heloise story after Abelard’s castration. But of course only modernist heretic priests like Rahner can fall in love. There is no love in the Traditionalist camp, bahhumbug.
And TNT, if you think calling Maritain a conservative is a stretch, it is obvious you have never read a word he has written. I figured you would like him: he grew disillusioned with VII, his book on Aquinas argues that existential Thomism is the only legitimate interpretation of Catholic philosophy (contra the transcendental Thomism of the Jesuits Rahner and Lonergan), the more moderate Etienne Gilson never really forgave Maritain for using “Aquinas as a hammer” against Henri Bergson in his book “Thomism and Bergsonian Philosophy”, a member of the reactionary “Action Francais”.
TNT, if the Church before VII was so perfect, how come things fell apart during VII? How could a couple liberal theologians and Bishops hijack the council and effectively ruin the Church Christ had promised to protect? How come so many priests raised in the pre-Vatican II Tridentine tradition go so wrong? How come the clergy sex abuse scandal includes mainly priests ordained prior to VII and Paul VI’s reworking of the liturgy?
Your conspiracy theories are too much.
But all that aside, you still haven’t answered any of the objections to patg’s list of criticism except a rather poorly phrase answer to the problem of the translation of the word ‘virgin’ which as you yourself show, was a miss-translation (note the word almah):
Behold a virgin (almah) shall conceive (from Isaiah)…
Gen 24:16 (Rebekah) An exceedingly comely maid (almah), and a most beautiful virgin (bethulah ),
And Maccabbees, try to actually deal with the issues instead of just arguing about the intellectuals involved. Your defense is reliant on a type of gnostic Catholicism and somehow you paint me as the heretic!