Why is Jesus never on the cross in a Protestant church?

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Just wondering why christ is never hung on a cross in a Protestant church? Are they simply ignoring the Passion? After all, He died for all and to focus on just the Ressurection is not right at all. The way He died and suffered, I would think you might emphasize it a little more. Yes, He did come back and it is great, but not to focus on His suffering is awful.
I think the emphasis is on His resurrection in Protestant churches, though I would be hard pressed to give a definitive answer. It is still a remembrance of His death, but again, I have no good answer for that. Maybe to be different from Catholics? (Seems like many things in Protestant churches are different just to be…)
Just wondering why christ is never hung on a cross in a Protestant church? Are they simply ignoring the Passion? After all, He died for all and to focus on just the Ressurection is not right at all. The way He died and suffered, I would think you might emphasize it a little more. Yes, He did come back and it is great, but not to focus on His suffering is awful.
We focus on the resurrection. Christ is no longer on the cross, and the tomb is empty, Christ is risen. The resurrection is the reason for the Passion.

As it happens, I have a Crucifix above my desk, but I am more impressed with the empty cross.
I think the emphasis is on His resurrection in Protestant churches, though I would be hard pressed to give a definitive answer. It is still a remembrance of His death, but again, I have no good answer for that. Maybe to be different from Catholics? (Seems like many things in Protestant churches are different just to be…)
It is insulting to state that we just want to be different than Catholics. We actually believe that our faith is superior to yours, just as you believe that your faith is superior to ours. So quit with the slams already.
Just wondering why christ is never hung on a cross in a Protestant church? Are they simply ignoring the Passion? After all, He died for all and to focus on just the Ressurection is not right at all. The way He died and suffered, I would think you might emphasize it a little more. Yes, He did come back and it is great, but not to focus on His suffering is awful.
Hi Righteousone,
Lutherans regularly use the crucifix. Our church has a large one in the sanctuary. I have been told that some non-catholics don’t show Christ on the cross because he is resurrected. But as
1 Corinthians 1:23 says, “…we preach Christ crucified.”

It is insulting to state that we just want to be different than Catholics. We actually believe that our faith is superior to yours, just as you believe that your faith is superior to ours. So quit with the slams already.
I’m not making a slam at all, I am merely making an observation. (I used to be very Protestant and very anti-Catholic, and truly, it did seem at times things were done differently just to be different)
The main reason is this"

“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them:”

End of Thread;)
The main reason is this"

“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them:”

End of Thread;)
Sorry to disagree, but the main reason is the resurrection. Christ is no longer on the cross. It is finished.

But I do love my Crucifix.
Actually, some of the protestant churches believe that placing an image of Christ, Mary, or any other holy figure, is tantamount to creating a “graven image”. They believe that it is truly a risk that some would worship the image instead of the one behind the image. The idea of the symbolism and the reminder provided by the image is lost. My current church is one of these.

It’s just as accurate to say “Why do Catholics never have an empty cross? Do they not care about the resurrection, only His death? To just focus on just the suffering parts is not right at all.”

Protestants are not trying to say Jesus didn’t suffer and die and Catholics are not trying to say Jesus is still dead. We are looking at the same thing from different angles is all.
Sorry to disagree, but the main reason is the resurrection. Christ is no longer on the cross. It is finished.

But I do love my Crucifix.
There is no disagreement. One Protestant church will state how you feel.The other will state what I threw out.Go two blocks up the street and there may be one who disagrees with both of us. We are both right and wrong at the same time. I was taught both standards in some sort of way.
Sorry to disagree, but the main reason is the resurrection. Christ is no longer on the cross. It is finished.

But I do love my Crucifix.
Yes, it is finished but never forgotten. The sufferings, the pain, the torture…just hard for me to go to church and clap all day knowing this.
I will never forget how I felt the first time walking into a Catholic Church after I became a believer in Jesus. I thought the Catholics were absolutely nuts for having all of those stautes and such on the wall. I was so sure that when they were coming in to genuflect that they were really “bowing down” to these carved images.
I will never forget how I felt the first time walking into a Catholic Church after I became a believer in Jesus. I thought the Catholics were absolutely nuts for having all of those stautes and such on the wall. I was so sure that when they were coming in to genuflect that they were really “bowing down” to these carved images.
Many of them actually are. That’s not what the Church teaches, but many of the less educated actually worship the icons, etc.
“Originally Posted by teadough
I will never forget how I felt the first time walking into a Catholic Church after I became a believer in Jesus. I thought the Catholics were absolutely nuts for having all of those stautes and such on the wall. I was so sure that when they were coming in to genuflect that they were really “bowing down” to these carved images.”
Many of them actually are. That’s not what the Church teaches, but many of the less educated actually worship the icons, etc.
They are? Did you ask someone personally?
Just wondering why christ is never hung on a cross in a Protestant church?**

I’ve seen crucifixed WITH corpi in Lutheran churches, so the word “never” is inaccurate.
Yes, it is finished but never forgotten. The sufferings, the pain, the torture…just hard for me to go to church and clap all day knowing this.
I agree.
A constant reminder of what Christ did for me, for you, for everyone. The glory of the empty cross is magnified by the cross occupied for our sin. I believe that a Christian has no concept of the glory of Easter without first experiencing the pain and sadness of Holy Week and Good Friday.

I agree.
A constant reminder of what Christ did for me, for you, for everyone. The glory of the empty cross is magnified by the cross occupied for our sin. I believe that a Christian has no concept of the glory of Easter without first experiencing the pain and sadness of Holy Week and Good Friday.

**I was so sure that when they were coming in to genuflect that they were really “bowing down” to these carved images.

Many of them actually are. That’s not what the Church teaches, but many of the less educated actually worship the icons, etc.**
I know nobody who actually does so, and what’s more, y ou don’t either, though I’ll bet you think you do.

I really doubt that God has granted you to see into other people’s hearts and know what their true intentions are.**
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