Why is Jesus never on the cross in a Protestant church?

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Ok, so why would the Christ risen cross be ok, it is an image?
yes,it is an image but it is not an image of a “God” so to speak. The Catholic Crucifix has an image of a God on it. Like I said I am on your team. I am just pointing out a general view of some Protestants denominations.
It’s amazing how catholics scream about protestants making unfounded assumptions about their religion but they turn around and do the EXACT same thing. 🤷

There are protestant churches that hang the crucifix in their sanctuaries.
yes,there are “some”. When I was a protestant I never thought of protestant churches having crucifixes so I don’t see it as an assumption being that the protestant churches as a whole can not agree on a crucifix or not. That is one of the many differences between the two. Most protestant churches are autonomous, so what one church in the same denomination agrees,the other in the next state may not.
While Protestants (at least of the evangelical stripe) don’t use crucifixes, it is interesting that they focus on the dying Jesus in their hymns. Take for example “There Is a Fountain Filled With Blood,” written by William Cowper in the late 18th Century:
There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel’s veins;
And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains.
Lose all their guilty stains, lose all their guilty stains;
And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains.
The dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day;
And there have I, though vile as he, washed all my sins away.
Washed all my sins away, washed all my sins away;
And there have I, though vile as he, washed all my sins away.
Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood shall never lose its power
Till all the ransomed church of God be saved, to sin no more.
Be saved, to sin no more, be saved, to sin no more;
Till all the ransomed church of God be saved, to sin no more.
E’er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply,
Redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die.
And shall be till I die, and shall be till I die;
Redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die.
Then in a nobler, sweeter song, I’ll sing Thy power to save,
When this poor lisping, stammering tongue lies silent in the grave.
Lies silent in the grave, lies silent in the grave;
When this poor lisping, stammering tongue lies silent in the grave.
Lord, I believe Thou hast prepared, unworthy though I be,
For me a blood bought free reward, a golden harp for me!
’Tis strung and tuned for endless years, and formed by power divine,
To sound in God the Father’s ears no other name but Thine.
This song is sung in Protestant churches everywhere and, like the crucifix, focuses on the dying Christ. The only difference is that one symbol is visual and the other is audible.
Actually, i am catholic and i have a bare wooden cross hanging over my front door, we adore all types of crosses. In fact, most people in my family have a “cross colage” on a wall in there home. It is very pretty too!
You misunderstood me. I was saying that is it not accurate so say either the statements made in teh OP or what I put in quotes.
I will never forget how I felt the first time walking into a Catholic Church after I became a believer in Jesus. I thought the Catholics were absolutely nuts for having all of those stautes and such on the wall. I was so sure that when they were coming in to genuflect that they were really “bowing down” to these carved images.
Bowing is not necessarily worship but instead veneration.
Rev. 3:9 - Jesus said people would bow down before the faithful members of the church of Philadelphia. This bowing before the faithful is not worship, just as kissing a picture of a family member is not worship.
Gen. 19:1 - Lot bowed down to the ground in veneration before two angels in Sodom.
Gen. 24:52 - Abraham’s servant bowed himself to the earth before the Lord.
Gen. 42:6 - Joseph’s brothers bow before Joseph with the face to the ground.
Jos. 5:14 - Joshua fell to the ground prostrate in veneration before an angel.
1 Sam. 28:14 - Saul bows down before Samuel with his face to the ground in honor and veneration.
1 Kings 1:23 - the prophet Nathan bows down before King David.
2 Kings 2:15 - the sons of the prophets bow down to Elisha at Jericho.
1 Chron. 21:21 - Ornan the Jebusite did obeisance to king David with his face to the ground.
1 Chron. 29:20 - Israelites bowed down to worship God and give honor to the king.
2 Chron. 29:29-30 - King Hezekiah and the assembly venerate the altar by bowing down in worship before the sin offerings.
Tobit 12:16 - Tobiah and Tobit fell down to the ground in veneration before the angel Raphael.
Judith 14:7 - Achior the Ammonite kneels before Judith venerating her and praising God.
Psalm 138:2 - David bows down before God’s Holy Temple.
Dan. 2:46 - the king fell down on his face paying homage to Daniel and commands that an offering be made to him. Dan. 8:17 - Daniel fell down prostrate in veneration before the angel Gabriel.
It’s amazing how catholics scream about protestants making unfounded assumptions about their religion but they turn around and do the EXACT same thing. 🤷

There are protestant churches that hang the crucifix in their sanctuaries.
Well I do know of one small fundamentalist church in my area that has a small crucifix in the narthex. I almost gave myself whiplash when I realized what I’d seen.
It’s just as accurate to say “Why do Catholics never have an empty cross? Do they not care about the resurrection, only His death? To just focus on just the suffering parts is not right at all.”

Protestants are not trying to say Jesus didn’t suffer and die and Catholics are not trying to say Jesus is still dead. We are looking at the same thing from different angles is all.
Well I agree with you : the fact that Catholics still represent Christ on the Cross doesn’t mean they don’t believe in his resurrection ( they do ! ) and the fact that Protestants usually don’t represent him on the cross doesn’t mean they don’t believe in his death on the cross …
and some Protestants don’t use any cross at all in their churches ( at least here in France … ) : it doesn’t mean that they don’t believe neither in Christ’s death, nor in his ressurection …
when we take the Lord’s supper , we “announce his death” till he comes again … so it means we also announce, even implicitly, his ressurection …
and so do the Catholics with the Eucharist even if we have different conceptions on Christ’s real presence, spiritual presence or on the purely simbolical aspect of the Lord’s Supper / Eucharist …
I did ask a Baptist why there was no Corpus on his cross.

no answer…

So I asked why there was simply the cross… an instrument of torture… and no reminders of the instrument of our salvation?

no answer…

So I asked what celebration they observed at the end of Lent.

answer… we certainly celebrate Easter.

I said we can’t have an Easter without a Good Friday.

no answer…

I did ask a Baptist why there was no Corpus on his cross.

no answer…

So I asked why there was simply the cross… an instrument of torture… and no reminders of the instrument of our salvation?

no answer…

So I asked what celebration they observed at the end of Lent.

answer… we certainly celebrate Easter.

I said we can’t have an Easter without a Good Friday.

no answer…

You are truley a gifted apologist, you should turn pro.
Just wondering why christ is never hung on a cross in a Protestant church? .
Jesus isn’t never hung on a cross in a Protestant church.

Some denominations would have an empty cross because Christ has risen from the dead but not all of them. Some would even class a cross as an idol but not all of them. Others would have Jesus hung on a cross but not all of them.

My denomination does have him hung on a cross or have an empty cross or have nothing. Either way, what’s the fuss?
I guess if other reliogions frown upon the crucifix, it may be for the rason that they do not have the experience of their God making himself man and giving his life for them. maybe? what other reasons have they given for frowning upon the crucifix?
The main reason is this"

“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them:”

End of Thread;)
Look at the context…“Thou shalt make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them”

The POINT of this commandment is that we shall not worship any of these THINGS as if they were GOD. But, if you stick to your “face value” method of interpretation, you should re-think John Chapter 6…for starters.

Much love in Jesus from a former Protestant who by God’s grace has come to the knowledge of the truth…the fullness of which is only to be found in the Catholic Church, led by God himself through Pope Benedict XVI, the 265th successor to the Apostle Peter.

Dominus Vobiscum,

Many of them actually are. That’s not what the Church teaches, but many of the less educated actually worship the icons, etc.
Grossly inaccurate!!! The ones who are less educated in the faith are simply going through the motions…I have never known one to actually be worshipping a statue etc. These kind of accusations are ridiculous.
Look at the context…“Thou shalt make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them”

The POINT of this commandment is that we shall not worship any of these THINGS as if they were GOD. But, if you stick to your “face value” method of interpretation, you should re-examine John Chapter 6…for starters.

Much love in Jesus from a former Protestant who by God’s grace has come to the knowledge of the truth…the fullness of which is only to be found in the Catholic Church, led by God himself through Pope Benedict XVI, the 265th successor to the Apostle Peter.

Dominus Vobiscum,

Jesus isn’t never hung on a cross in a Protestant church.

Some denominations would have an empty cross because Christ has risen from the dead but not all of them. Some would even class a cross as an idol but not all of them. Others would have Jesus hung on a cross but not all of them.

My denomination does have him hung on a cross or have an empty cross or have nothing. Either way, what’s the fuss?
That is a problem I have, some believe this some believe that. There is no consciences even though they all read the same bible. It has been stated before, the only consciences protestants can come to is Catholics can’t be right. How do you ask a question that covers all the variations of protestantism? The title protestant in the profile doesn’t mean anything to me.

Wasn’t Christ’s saving act His dying not His rising? Doesn’t Paul say he preaches Christ crucified?
Paul also states that Jesus was raised for our justification.
I did ask a Baptist why there was no Corpus on his cross.

no answer…

So I asked why there was simply the cross… an instrument of torture… and no reminders of the instrument of our salvation?

no answer…

So I asked what celebration they observed at the end of Lent.

answer… we certainly celebrate Easter.

I said we can’t have an Easter without a Good Friday.

no answer…

Amen! I have emailed the local baptist pastor many of times, asking him questions of what he preaches concerning the book of rev. and i have not gotten one freaking response. What a coward!
Who cares what type of cross you hang, the point is, dont bash people for having a different cross than yours. They are all hung for a good reason!
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