Why is masturbation not focused on in the mass media or in science?

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So, if physicians and scientists don’t agree with your personal belief about LGBTQ individuals not being mentally disordered, then you refuse to listen to them on other issues? Since there have been wonderful advancements in the treatment of bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia in the past forty years, do you eschew those advancements too?🤷
Did you read my post, or just wanted take this opportunity to spout nonsense?
I agree pennsmama87! The vast majority of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists do not consider masturbation as disordered, much less a mortal sin unless it becomes a compulsive behavior.:rolleyes:
What do you understand “disordered”, as used by the Church, to mean?
Not at all. As a psychologist I can tell you that the topic is rarely mentioned in the field. Sure, some like Masters and Johnson got a much of money to publish their classic research in sexuality, but they are among the rare exception.
Unless the issue causes the individual anguish, torment, distress etc, and they seek professional help for that, how would psychologists have motivation or opportunity to involve themselves with it?
Unless the issue causes the individual anguish, torment, distress etc, and they seek professional help for that, how would psychologists have motivation or opportunity to involve themselves with it?
I mean research psychologists and publications, not clinical psychologists (working with people).
What do you understand “disordered”, as used by the Church, to mean?
I understand that it means “not natural” to Catholics, but to the outside world it sounds dismissive and akin to having a true psychological disorder such as OCD or ADHD, etc. Since I am with the camp that truly believes people are born with their sexual orientation, the term “disordered” is blatantly false and hurtful.:confused:
Rank-and-file psychiatrists and psychologists are politically compromised as evidenced by their push to normalize homosexuality. They can’t be trusted in any matters of sexuality. They work at crossed purposes to the Church.
Your answer indicates that it is your belief that the APA changed the so-called diagnosis of LGBTQ=PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER for political reasons and that they should not be trusted in areas of sexuality. If the APA cannot be trusted in this one area, then all of their other protocols and diagnostic tools must also be suspect.:eek:
And YES, it brings me great pleasure to “spout nonsense” as you so elegantly suggest. I’m trying to monitor my snarky responses when I reread some older posts and became aware how gutless my CAF responses were to those who disagree with Queen Bee Me:rolleyes:
I suppose it might be more focused on in the mass media if masturbators sought state recognition and the legal ability to marry themselves.
I suppose it might be more focused on in the mass media if masturbators sought state recognition and the legal ability to marry themselves.
Masturbation affects most males at some point in their life and can become chronic where it becomes a lifestyle. I believe it to affect a lifestyle of a rather large proportion of the population. Yet they seem neglected. Yes, everybody “knows” that it’s viewed “normal” by society. Why does “science” know so little about them as a group? For example, are there any unwanted side-effects of masturbation? Do they tend to have a more negative self-image?
Probably because masturbation is not something that’s discussed in polite society.

Since the 1950’s or 60’s it’s been seen as a a normal and healthy thing. It’s moral aspect is no longer mentioned.

Rather than worry about how many of our fellows are stimulating their tingly bits, we should be concerned with our own personal beliefs and conduct. We must believe God’s moral truth in our hearts and follow through in our own behavior. We must instruct our children in the moral truths of our faith in a sensible yet uncompromising manner.

We look silly when we obsess about how much other people masturbate.
I understand that it means “not natural” to Catholics, but to the outside world it sounds dismissive and akin to having a true psychological disorder such as OCD or ADHD, etc. Since I am with the camp that truly believes people are born with their sexual orientation, the term “disordered” is blatantly false and hurtful.:confused:
The Catechism describes several acts as disordered, Including (from memory) fornication, adultery, calumny, lying and so on. If you search the Catechism, you will see it arises many times.

Undoubtedly it is confused with the psychological context (and some people intentionally leverage that confusion to criticism the Church). But your understanding is also in error, I suspect because your exposure to it has been in just this one topic area.

The presence of a biological influence would help explain the desire for same sex acts, but does not make them legitimate.
Masturbation affects most males at some point in their life and can become chronic where it becomes a lifestyle. I believe it to affect a lifestyle of a rather large proportion of the population. Yet they seem neglected. Yes, everybody “knows” that it’s viewed “normal” by society. Why does “science” know so little about them as a group? For example, are there any unwanted side-effects of masturbation? Do they tend to have a more negative self-image?
How many people have a chronic masturbation habit? How big s proportion of the population? How do you know this? Are medically adverse consequences known?
I understand that it means “not natural” to Catholics, but to the outside world it sounds dismissive and akin to having a true psychological disorder such as OCD or ADHD, etc. Since I am with the camp that truly believes people are born with their sexual orientation, the term “disordered” is blatantly false and hurtful.:confused:
Fornication is also intrinsically disordered although you’d be hard pressed to find a conservative who knows and admits that.
How many people have a chronic masturbation habit? How big s proportion of the population? How do you know this? Are medically adverse consequences known?
For the most part, we do not know this, and that was my point… masturbators, as a group, are being ignored within our society.
Not only is masturbation not ignored in the mass media, but it’s starting to be celebrated. In my university newspaper, for example, there were quite a few articles talking about how to masturbate more effectively (generally focusing on women since there seems to be a big push from the left to get women more sexually active).

As for science, well, I would guess it’s because there aren’t many interesting questions to ask. As far as I know, there’s no evidence that a moderate amount of masturbation has long term consequences of any kind. The fact that many other primates (e.g. bonobos) seem to do it without repercussion would suggest that it’s medically fine. Psychologically, any issues are associated with masturbation are either causal to masturbation (e.g. loneliness) or due to material consumed alongside masturbation (e.g. porn).

The only people that really have an obvious problem with it are those individuals who experience cognitive dissonance. Unfortunately, those outside the Church would prefer to see the Church accept masturbation rather than helping us conquer our impulses.

So, in essence, no one in the scientific community cares and probably don’t know what questions to ask if they did.
It is normal. It is a stage one goes through when puberty kicks it. It should not be taught to adolescents that it ie evil.
Not everybody does. Not even every male.

How much one does is not even, I would argue, indicative of level of sex drive (i.e. someone who doesn’t masturbate is not necessarily asexual and doesn’t necessarily suffer from low sexual drive or functioning.)

Some people just are not tempted to. I’d say that’s rarer in today’s world than in the past because we have ample leisure time and easy access to sexually explicit materials, but also because there’s a lot of pressure to engage in it. I remember hearing so much about it as a teen that I wondered if it was weird that I didn’t care. (And I grew up in a non-religious household and I was never taught that it was immoral.)

What makes it wrong is that it turns sexual functioning into a selfish pursuit of desire rather than a gift given to a spouse - it makes it all about YOU and what you want, how you want it, and when. Real sex does not work like that, and unfortunately I know too many young men who have given up on relationships because hey, they can’t find a woman that will work for them like a sex robot. Because they’ve been training themselves since their early teens, if not sooner, how to gratify themselves in a specific way without making any concessions for what another person may want or need.
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