Trouble is, the rest of us are against what you’re trying to convince us about.I also like how you tell me to leave… the truth hurts when your wrong doesn’t it. Keep deluding yourself. You are only hurting yourself and your offspring (if you are even able to find someone to procreate with) with your unhealthy views on human sexuality.
And no, the truth doesn’t hurt, since what you are telling us isn’t true. You are trying to lead honest people into mortal sin. That honestly does hurt people, and their relationship with God.
I don’t see how I am hurting myself with this “delusion.” I don’t feel “hurt” by not masturbating. I’m not missing out on anything, at all. Why waste time with it when I could be thinking of God, praying and reflecting on the Bible?
To be honest, teaching people that masturbation is wrong isn’t hurtful. Maybe if you are addicted, but in that case, its a hard truth one must bear.
If people know its wrong, and still do it, well, not much you can do about that, is there?