All the sexual clinics in high-school suggested it was “normal” and “okay.”
I don’t believe its right. There are folks here claiming there is nothing wrong, including Catholics. Please do understand that this is considered heresy, and in itself is wrong, as you are leading people away from God’s Grace.
Why don’t I believe its right:
After I became Catholic; the temptations started. So in my opinion, it is clearly rooted in evil.
Catholics are “hung up” on it because we are taught it is wrong. Since we know what is wrong, we want to help others overcome it. Also remember that with God’s help, anything is possible. There are plenty of testimonies to that here! We ALL have a cross to bear, and that is different for each person. Some don’t have issues with it, but may have a violent temper. Other might do and appear to be perfect.
Many people masturbate based off pornography or visualisation. Isn’t that lust? And isn’t that a sin? (Nevermind the Commandment on “coveting they neighbor”)
Protestants teaching its “natural” are misguided; they are clearly oblivious to how people are masturbating.
I don’t believe its right. There are folks here claiming there is nothing wrong, including Catholics. Please do understand that this is considered heresy, and in itself is wrong, as you are leading people away from God’s Grace.
Why don’t I believe its right:
- Its a part of this " instant gratification" society we have today. Everything is for “now,” not “oh, I guess it can wait.”
- People claim its natural and healthy. Well, my Priest, who also has a degree in psychology told me that Masturbation often arises in our lives when things get out of control; when we feel helpless. We do it instead of fixing the problems in our lives.
- Its addictive. Even though whatever pleasure obtained is short-lived, and you feel rotten afterwards, you always want to do it again.
And if history has it correct; practically every thing that was ever addictive seems to have been destructive - It destroys the meaning of sex. Sex exists for a reason. Masturbation is taking advantage of our bodies’ natural means of “going through the motions” when we have sex, and using it to waste life. By masturbating we are willfully destroying life, whether or not you call sperm life.
By masturbating we take away the second person and it into perverted self-pleasure. - Apes and other animals do it. SO WHAT?
Humans have a moral compass. A soul. True understanding of past, present and future. Not instinctual drives all by themselves. - Me, myself and I
People are complaining that people are too self-obsessed. You see it in plenty of teens that obsess over what “brands” they wear. Who their “friends” are. They are obsessed with themselves. Masturbation is focussing in on the self and purely that.
After I became Catholic; the temptations started. So in my opinion, it is clearly rooted in evil.
Catholics are “hung up” on it because we are taught it is wrong. Since we know what is wrong, we want to help others overcome it. Also remember that with God’s help, anything is possible. There are plenty of testimonies to that here! We ALL have a cross to bear, and that is different for each person. Some don’t have issues with it, but may have a violent temper. Other might do and appear to be perfect.
Many people masturbate based off pornography or visualisation. Isn’t that lust? And isn’t that a sin? (Nevermind the Commandment on “coveting they neighbor”)
Protestants teaching its “natural” are misguided; they are clearly oblivious to how people are masturbating.