Why is masturbation not focused on in the mass media or in science?

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Here we go again, masturbation and contraception are NOT sexual sins. Stop talking such nonsense. Ifcyou believe your soul is in danger for such thingsvi despair.Glad ive left a church that is so hung up on sexual matters.
You still haven’t explained to us WHY, while us folks here on the “No Masturbation” side have actually cemented ourselves with a reason.

Contraception destroys life - Sex is meant for procreation. You don’t see Apes and other animals doing it just for fun, they do it because its normal and natural to want to PROCREATE.
Remember the commandment ‘Thou Shalt not Kill,’ well, contraception and abortion goes straight up against that. They are barriers to life.

And Masturbation is selfish. It ONLY focuses on the self. No-one else sees it or knows about it.
“If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off.” Matthew 5:30.
If you use pornography to masturbate, then that is Lust. Which is also a sin.

You’re mentioning that masturbation is a population-control measure. Okay, perhaps your right. But then we’re faced with an aging population, as in Japan (already) and Australia (which is happening).
This places huge burden on the children to look after their parents as the social system fails from being over-taxed as the number of tax-payers decreases.
In the end, those who believe in contraception are going to destroy themselves. They won’t have anyone to pass their beliefs onto. Meanwhile, all the conservative religious will still be around…

You also need to thoroughly research the Crusades and the Inquisition. Some of it is Monarchy using religion as an excuse for war, while the latter is a response to a belief-system that, if it had taken hold, destroyed the society of the time, and how it worked.

The Molestation scandal is horrendous, yes, but again, the media, being influenced by the left has blown it out of proportion. I also know there are plenty of false accusations being made; people know they can get lots of money if they can prove their point.
The statistics shows that one is more likely to be raped in the public school system than in Churches/Schools run by the Church. The Church is also not immune to people with mental disorders. They are everywhere, like it or not. Its just a matter of hoping they are caught, and treated before something bad happens.
Good to know you will make the call on right and wrong!
You do the same as me if you are using reason as you stated. The difference is you determined that you beleive the catholic church is always right and align yourself with their beliefs. I determined otherwise.
You still haven’t explained to us WHY, while us folks here on the “No Masturbation” side have actually cemented ourselves with a reason.

Contraception destroys life - Sex is meant for procreation. You don’t see Apes and other animals doing it just for fun, they do it because its normal and natural to want to PROCREATE.
Remember the commandment ‘Thou Shalt not Kill,’ well, contraception and abortion goes straight up against that. They are barriers to life.

And Masturbation is selfish. It ONLY focuses on the self. No-one else sees it or knows about it.
“If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off.” Matthew 5:30.
If you use pornography to masturbate, then that is Lust. Which is also a sin.

You’re mentioning that masturbation is a population-control measure. Okay, perhaps your right. But then we’re faced with an aging population, as in Japan (already) and Australia (which is happening).
This places huge burden on the children to look after their parents as the social system fails from being over-taxed as the number of tax-payers decreases.
In the end, those who believe in contraception are going to destroy themselves. They won’t have anyone to pass their beliefs onto. Meanwhile, all the conservative religious will still be around…

You also need to thoroughly research the Crusades and the Inquisition. Some of it is Monarchy using religion as an excuse for war, while the latter is a response to a belief-system that, if it had taken hold, destroyed the society of the time, and how it worked.

The Molestation scandal is horrendous, yes, but again, the media, being influenced by the left has blown it out of proportion. I also know there are plenty of false accusations being made; people know they can get lots of money if they can prove their point.
The statistics shows that one is more likely to be raped in the public school system than in Churches/Schools run by the Church. The Church is also not immune to people with mental disorders. They are everywhere, like it or not. Its just a matter of hoping they are caught, and treated before something bad happens.
There again you use the word reason. That is relative. What is reasonable to you as a catholic sounds rediculous to me. Preventative contraception doesn’t destroy life as the life didn’t exist to destroy. I agree with you that abortion is wrong.

Any molstation in the church is too many and it was not brought out of perportion I can link some horendous testamony of a bishop I heard with him trying to state he didn’t even know child molestation was illigal if you want. ThE media needed to expose it as the church was hiding it.

What why do you need of why it is not wrong. The medical community is in agreement. Even says some health benefits. without being too personal I have a lovely marriage and it hasn’t harmed our relationship at all. We both have alone and together done such and somehow we are happy and have many children. Didn’t affect us any negative in over a decade of marriage. That all seems like reason, personal example, and common sense debunking any negative consequences of it To me.
Again, its simple:

Our bodies are designed to procreate, not masturbate. You are taking advantage of your bodies’ own means of encouraging procreation for your own singular pleasure.
It is destroying life; Sperm are living cells and you are abusing them for your own pleasure.

“The medical community is in agreement.”
What papers support this?

You have jumped on every CAF poster here who support the Church’s teaching, telling they are wrong, the Church is wrong, and because you and your wife do it, its okay.

There are LOTS of peoples who have destroyed their marriages and lives with masturbation, and addiction to it.

I don’t think its worth replying to you anymore. You’ve come here to tell us we’re wrong and you’re right, no questions asked. If you don’t like it here, don’t post. CLOSE the browser.
You do the same as me if you are using reason as you stated. The difference is you determined that you beleive the catholic church is always right and align yourself with their beliefs. I determined otherwise.
It seems we must hold one of the following to be true:
  • Jesus established a Church with teaching authority as stated in the Bible; or
  • The section of the Bible where the Church is established and given teaching authority is pure fiction; or
  • Jesus established a wayward and error-prone Church.
Which view have you chosen?
Sperm are living cells and you are abusing them for your own pleasure.
As the lyrics of that song “Every Sperm is Sacred” in Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life go:

Because every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is great
If a sperm is wasted
God gets quite irate

Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is great
If a sperm is wasted
God gets quite irate

Let the heathen spill theirs
On the dusty ground
God shall make them pay for
Each sperm that can’t be found

Every sperm is wanted
Every sperm is good
Every sperm is needed
In your neighborhood

It seems we must hold one of the following to be true:
  • Jesus established a Church with teaching authority as stated in the Bible; or
  • The section of the Bible where the Church is established is pure fiction; or
  • Jesus established a wayward and error-prone Church.
Which view have you chosen?
None of thee above. Catholics misinterpret whether by accident or on purpose to gain power the verse matthew 16:18
Again, its simple:

Our bodies are designed to procreate, not masturbate. You are taking advantage of your bodies’ own means of encouraging procreation for your own singular pleasure.
It is destroying life; Sperm are living cells and you are abusing them for your own pleasure.

“The medical community is in agreement.”
What papers support this?

You have jumped on every CAF poster here who support the Church’s teaching, telling they are wrong, the Church is wrong, and because you and your wife do it, its okay.

There are LOTS of peoples who have destroyed their marriages and lives with masturbation, and addiction to it.

I don’t think its worth replying to you anymore. You’ve come here to tell us we’re wrong and you’re right, no questions asked. If you don’t like it here, don’t post. CLOSE the browser.
The body produces 85 million sperm cells per dayc whether you masturbate or not. You sound like a total idiot stating someone is destroying life if they masturbate . The 85million sperm per day die refardless so you better take up all the “death” with God as he designed our reproductive system as such. Single sperm cells are not human life just the building blocks that could potentially become life.

Look up medical opinions on masturbation yourself. Other posters here even said that the as they say “leftist” head doctors are pretty much in agreement that it is normal part of human development

One last thing you say that masturbation destroys life and gets in the way of procreation, then how is it I have reproduced more than I bet a majority of you on here. Somehow me and my masturbating wife keep having children. Must be magic.

I also like how you tell me to leave… the truth hurts when your wrong doesn’t it. Keep deluding yourself. You are only hurting yourself and your offspring (if you are even able to find someone to procreate with) with your unhealthy views on human sexuality.
None of thee above. Catholics misinterpret whether by accident or on purpose to gain power the verse matthew 16:18
So no Church was established, not even to spread the explicit teachings of Jesus?

Oh well, at least you appear to agree that the Church has properly captured and safeguarded the words of Jesus (and others) in the Bible (since Jesus wrote nothing himself). Funny how Jesus would ensure the accuracy and safekeeping of Scripture for 2000 years, yet see his Apostles - the ones he walked with - set out on a path so wayward as to claim Jesus established a Church with a leadership, and to spread error! Isn’t that somewhat inconsistent, even short-sighted?
So no Church was established, not even to spread the explicit teachings of Jesus?

Oh well, at least you appear to agree that the Church has properly captured and safeguarded the words of Jesus (and others) in the Bible (since Jesus wrote nothing himself). Funny how Jesus would ensure the accuracy and safekeeping of Scripture for 2000 years, yet see his Apostles - the ones he walked with - set out on a path so wayward as to claim Jesus established a Church with a leadership, and to spread error! Isn’t that somewhat inconsistent, even short-sighted?
There is a different version of history than the “catholic” version but you wouldn’t accept my sources anyway. And the old testament was jewish. The books of the new testament weren’t written by roman catholics either and no need of catholic church to comfirm whether true or not since they ate imspired word of God.

We have a different belief of the history and imterpretation of things and would never come to agreement on it.

Nice talking to uou though.
You still haven’t explained to us WHY, while us folks here on the “No Masturbation” side have actually cemented ourselves with a reason.

Contraception destroys life - Sex is meant for procreation. You don’t see Apes and other animals doing it just for fun, they do it because its normal and natural to want to PROCREATE.
Remember the commandment ‘Thou Shalt not Kill,’ well, contraception and abortion goes straight up against that. They are barriers to life.

And Masturbation is selfish. It ONLY focuses on the self. No-one else sees it or knows about it.
“If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off.” Matthew 5:30.
If you use pornography to masturbate, then that is Lust. Which is also a sin.

You’re mentioning that masturbation is a population-control measure. Okay, perhaps your right. But then we’re faced with an aging population, as in Japan (already) and Australia (which is happening).
This places huge burden on the children to look after their parents as the social system fails from being over-taxed as the number of tax-payers decreases.
In the end, those who believe in contraception are going to destroy themselves. They won’t have anyone to pass their beliefs onto. Meanwhile, all the conservative religious will still be around…

You also need to thoroughly research the Crusades and the Inquisition. Some of it is Monarchy using religion as an excuse for war, while the latter is a response to a belief-system that, if it had taken hold, destroyed the society of the time, and how it worked.

The Molestation scandal is horrendous, yes, but again, the media, being influenced by the left has blown it out of proportion. I also know there are plenty of false accusations being made; people know they can get lots of money if they can prove their point.
The statistics shows that one is more likely to be raped in the public school system than in Churches/Schools run by the Church. The Church is also not immune to people with mental disorders. They are everywhere, like it or not. Its just a matter of hoping they are caught, and treated before something bad happens.
Il tell you why I dont think masturbation is wrong and I did say this before is because it is a NORMAL stage of development . Contraception prevents life but I dont believe that is wrong. What would be wrong is to have children you couldnt afford to look after or didnt want. Yes it says in the bible go forth and multiply but that doesnt mean you have to take it literally and only have sex if you want children.
Il tell you why I dont think masturbation is wrong and I did say this before is because it is a NORMAL stage of development . Contraception prevents life but I dont believe that is wrong. What would be wrong is to have children you couldnt afford to look after or didnt want. Yes it says in the bible go forth and multiply but that doesnt mean you have to take it literally and only have sex if you want children.
When does the stage end?
You don’t see Apes and other animals doing it just for fun, they do it because its normal and natural to want to PROCREATE.
They most certainly do anyone who has been around a dog knows that.
You’re mentioning that masturbation is a population-control measure. Okay, perhaps your right. But then we’re faced with an aging population, as in Japan (already) and Australia (which is happening).
This places huge burden on the children to look after their parents as the social system fails from being over-taxed as the number of tax-payers decreases.
In the end, those who believe in contraception are going to destroy themselves. They won’t have anyone to pass their beliefs onto. Meanwhile, all the conservative religious will still be around…
I agree a great man once said.

"The fate of nations is intimately bound up with their powers of reproduction. All nations and all empires first felt decadence gnawing at them when their birth rate fell off.”

This principle is true for America, China, Japan, Australia, and all nations, more people equals a lager demand for goods, which in turn brings more jobs, the state also gets a lager army, it means more scientists and inventors, the nation will grow lager as people need more land, the American westward expansion is a great example of this. A large youth population can take care of the elderly, but if there isn’t enough people being born, then programs like social security begin to become a huge burden on the young, so having a rising population is a good thing.

However a 15 teen year old can’t raise a family so your argument of failing the state is invalid.
You mean the way puberty varies? Or do you mean for some people the “normal” masturbation stage is a couple of years, and for others 20, 30, 40 years?
As masturbation is normal, some people may do it all their lives others not.
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