I’ve been diagnosed with OCD, what lead to the diagnosis was my scrupulosity that destroyed any sense of peace in me.
It started with me, trying to make really good confessions. Preparing for long time, writing down everything… After 3 years something caused it to get from mild, to full blown in 1 day (I was actually driving my car towards church, I still know which turn to the right it was, when it happened). After that in a few months I had my drawer full of long (multiple A4 pages) of confession notes, because it was no longer good enough to write it down, but it had to be written down, word for word, so that later I could go back to the paper and made sure that everything was confessed in the blackest way possible. I made general confessions (took like 40 minutes), weekly, to a very patient priest, that became my spiritual director until his death - I miss him dearly. He gave me an absolution in latin and I was for some reason sure that he could have made a mistake and the absolution was invalid, so I insisted that I must reconfess everything again - I did not told him why.
The problem became nightmare when I was unsure if I confessed sins that randomly popped in my head and I was not sure if it was sufficiently confessed. One instance was when I was again preparing for confession and I remembered something… I wrote it down… and it was emberassing to say the least. But then I was thinking “this sin is so bad, that nothing could make it worse”. My mind came up with what would indeed make it worse…and the pathetic part was that I was no longer sure if it is just my mind making it up (the part that would make even that sin, worse), or I actually did it, and I remember it just now… (which I was 99.9% sure it is not the case). But to be on ‘the safe side’ I did confess as though I did it. Now, I know that I did not do that, and that it was just a part of the psychosis I was in.
Now, almost 5 years later, I am doing much better. I am still under spiritual direction, but since the first spiritual direct has since died and went to God, I had to look for a different one. I found a lot of peace by obeying what the spritual director tells me - he is also my only confessor. Though OCD is sometimes hitting hard and my mind is trying to convince me that I am lax and even makes me doubt my spiritual director. But I already know what happens if I obey my thoughts. I don’t like to talk too much about it, but I’m just giving my feedback as someone who went through and is still going through it.
There is nothing good in scrupulosity. It retards the growth of a soul, completely. Some priest once told me that, after fanaticism, scrupulosity is the worst that can happen to a soul. If soul is a flower, then scrupulosity is an umbrella that prevents rain (Grace) to reach the poor plant. It’s deadly.