Black Lives Matter, like all critical race theory submovements, was created by a trio of black radical feminists who used it to center themselves in an African American community that they increasingly found themselves disconnected from by nature of their educational and cultural background. BLM (the Org) proudly admits its core members are professionally trained Marxist agitators.
It has since been adopted by liberal whites as a general bludgeon against conservative government and the boogeyman of white males. But that adoption didn’t happen spontaneously - MSM sources have been intentionally stoking racial strife in the US with no accountability.
The best move to save black lives would be to increase police resources to actually deter and solve gun crimes, but that’s considered racist. Why not allow black people to take control of their destinies instead of treating them like perpetual victims - who’s going to take responsibility for the 73% of all black children that are born out of wedlock? Certainly not the black community itself.
What really concerns me is the ease with which MSM is able to dominate public thought. The big networks are sinister enemies of the people, and their “leaders” aim to provoke resentment. Same with education. Want to get funding? What to get published? Easy, make a thesis on systemic racial grievances. It’s almost as if universities incentivize topics of study for the express purpose of proving a desired result.
It won’t stop with statues because “the aggrieved” peoples of actual injustice are not the ones burning down courthouses, so they are not at the table, and unable to engage in reconciliation in good faith. Their cause has been hijacked by political forces who are not remotely interested in reconciliation, but have been using MSM lies as a gambit to sway public opinion for their own purposes. This is why many conservatives (black conservatives included) are not on board with BLM. It is a golem of sorts, that is bent on destroying race relations and undoing the progress made since MLK.
It won’t stop with statues because the media will not suffer this country to be undivided. It can’t be stopped so long as people believe the lie that the movement was predicated on- that blacks systemically and disproportionately suffer unwarranted force by LE because of racism. Why is it that so many black cops have been threatened and silenced when they attempted to refute BLM’s claims of systematic brutality? But it doesn’t matter to the rioters whether it is true or not, they believe it to be true. How can a person (or an entire demographic) make restitution for a collective sin that doesn’t exist? And if it does exist, and there is contrition, what happens when the next incarnation of BLM is not satisfied by destruction of property and demands a more severe penance? Would every white generation need to atone for their uniquely wicked Adamic nature?
Why do we allow godless MSM to define the extent to which systemic racism exists? Especially when these networks are not even trying anymore to hide their contempt for the Faithful?