The “we” who don’t know this are only those who cannot accept the evidence that exists.
Where is that evidence that you claim is true? (That’s one.)
Yes. Your freedom of speech allows you to say whatever you like.
You dodged the point there. Christians say that the Jews were not wrong in their belief in God, but had an incomplete understanding of him (including only knowing God the Father). It’s quite possible that we are in the same boat now, that while we have a better understanding than the Israelites that we still have an incomplete understanding (including only knowing Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
From your point of view this has not been said, because you do not accept what has been said.
You again dodged the point here. Saying we know that some items are part of a group does not necessarily mean we know all items in that group.
For us, this matter was closed at the Council of Nicea. As in other matters, dogma is silent in matters that are self evident.
Are you suggesting there weren’t heated debates as to the makeup of the Godhead? Also if you are saying that they are silent on these types of matters than this runs counter to your assertion that there is evidence for your claim. You can’t have it both ways.
I don’t think it is a matter of blame. That seems like a hostile response. There is no lifegiving use for blame.
And yet read practically any thread regarding why people aren’t become Christians or are leaving the Christian faith. Blame will most certainly be placed on those people for not studying Christianity enough or in the right way.
The fact is that there are many Christians who are ignorant about their faith, as well as non-Christians. It is not about finding “fault”. It is the responsibility of every Christian to study their faith,a nd be able to make a reasoned defense for it. It is the responsibility of any person, before they begin to criticize, to find out the facts around the target. Many accusations do come from ignorance.
You know what a good way to find out “facts around the target”? Ask those who claim to have the answers when the research comes up empty. In most cases those with the answers are more than willing to provide their reasoning. This case differs greatly.
You claim that your entire foundation is based in reas"doubters oddly can never do right in either assessing or not assessing Christian doctrine and literature." What is the standard of what is “right”?
The right in my description comes not from me but from those who respond to questions of non-believers. Don’t research enough by the believers’ standards and the non-believer has no right to question the beliefs. If you research too much then the non-believer must have sneaky ulterior motives for asking the questions they do of believers. To
some believers there is never a “right” amount of research or questioning from non-believers.
Remember this is all in your repeated assessment that because I don’t believe in your version of God that I shouldn’t be asking questions of Christian doctrine.
You have assessed the doctrine and the literature, and rejected it. This is what you believed was “right” for you to do. If you are at peace with your own conscience, why should what anyone else things matter?
Just like how you repeatedly misused when I referenced “consensus” you are now misusing how I referenced “right”. And why should it matter? Shouldn’t we learn more about what others think? Shouldn’t we question when we see a paradox between unknowing and certain knowing? Knowledge truly is power.
Yes, I would support this principle.
Good. So let what is good for the goose be good for the gander and not concern ourselves with whether one group questions the rationale of another and just answer the question.