The true definition of marriage is the most important aspect.Having two good and loving parents, whether they are a mother and a father or two mothers or two fathers is what is important.
The true definition of marriage is the most important aspect.Having two good and loving parents, whether they are a mother and a father or two mothers or two fathers is what is important.
Which legality are you referring to? The historic states’ original promotion of man-woman marriage? Or this new phenomenon with same-sex “marriages”?the legality was for the protection of children. children born outside of a legal marriage have far more difficulties.
You have brought up.an excellent.point! And what about single.parents? You don’t het to enjoy social.securiry benefits either. Another good point to.add to the sea of.contradictions.that exist on.this area.If the court is right and that gay couples trying to raise children are disadvantaged in their parenting then I am too.
I am a single father and I do not get the tax advantages of marriage. I should sue and try to get those tax breaks. I guess o could marry myself. Or maybe my parents who help me with the kids.
The court and you, of course miss the forest through the trees on these issues. The government should look at the bigger picture and they aren’t.
The examples you posts are not legitimate reasons why the government should regulate marriage.
I can get enjoyment from a great many things the government does not involve itself in.
Right and wrong can be discussed outside the context of the “Catholic” position. People from different religions can still appeal to each other’s sense of right and wrong without referencing any particular religion’s dogma.Right, and as I said, I know what the Catholic position is and I accept it.
The reason for state involvement may be for something quite independent of incentivizing procreation, such as ensuring that procreation, if it is done at all, is done in a way that provides benefit to the child. So you must consider a wider range of goals than simply “incentivizing” procreation.But, if procreation is the main reason, how does limiting marriage to couples who can procreate incentivize procreation?
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has given the answer:I have found myself questioning why exactly same-sex marriage should be completely illegalized. I mean common sense is telling me that it’s always been one man/one woman, and redefining marriage doesn’t change that… but still. We don’t advocate illegalizing not going to church on Sunday, using the Lord’s name in vain, pre-marital sex, and even things such as pornography and adultery. So, why is the same-sex marriage issue stressed so much? Maybe I just need to get my position secured on this one.
Don’t misinterpret this question. I don’t like the idea of same-sex marriage, and I’m not asking why it’s wrong according to Catholicism, I’m asking why exactly it should be illegal.
Here are comments from Mark Regnerus regarding Simon Cheng and Brian Powell’s study:I see you’ve included something from the Family Research Council on the Mark Regnerus Study:
I have a lot of confidence in studies that include people who are 7-feet 8-inches tall, but nevertheless weigh only 88 pounds, were married 8 times and had 8 children…![]()
This is from 2007, it provides some interesting insight. Sociologist David Blankenhorn:However, as discussed before, one court in 2014 rejected that argument, and other courts have rejected procreation-based arguments:
[at pp. 15-16]
The correlations are strong. Support for marriage is by far the weakest in countries with same-sex marriage. The countries with marriage-like civil unions show significantly more support for marriage. The two countries with only regional recognition of gay marriage (Australia and the United States) do better still on these support-for-marriage measurements, and those without either gay marriage or marriage-like civil unions do best of all.
weeklystandard.com/defining-marriage-down-.-.-./article/14566Certain trends in values and attitudes tend to cluster with each other and with certain trends in behavior. A rise in unwed childbearing goes hand in hand with a weakening of the belief that people who want to have children should get married. High divorce rates are encountered where the belief in marital permanence is low. More one-parent homes are found where the belief that children need both a father and a mother is weaker. A rise in nonmarital cohabitation is linked at least partly to the belief that marriage as an institution is outmoded. The legal endorsement of gay marriage occurs where the belief prevails that marriage itself should be redefined as a private personal relationship. And all of these marriage-weakening attitudes and behaviors are linked. Around the world, the surveys show, these things go together.
Mr. Regnerus sometimes tries to sound reasonable, but he can’t help showing his own ideological biases. For example, to support his claim to the idea that “sexual difference matter,” he has a link to a book by Roy Baumeister, Is There Anything Good About Men?: How Cultures Flourish by Exploiting Men. The blurb on this book at Amazon says:Here are comments from Mark Regnerus regarding Simon Cheng and Brian Powell’s study:
Those poor non-culture building women!The reason men dominate culture and rule the world, he observes, is not that men are superior to women or have designed patriarchy to oppress women but rather that culture grew out of male relationships, which resulted in large structures containing many people (whether to engage in trade or in war), and thus men were always in charge. Whereas women, in Baumeister’s view, seek close one-on-one relationships that are not culture-building.
Seriously…condemning “ideological bias”. There’s of course non of that going on in the same sex marriage arguments. LolMr. Regnerus sometimes tries to sound reasonable, but he can’t help showing his own ideological biases. For example, to support his claim to the idea that “sexual difference matter,” he has a link to a book by Roy Baumeister, Is There Anything Good About Men?: How Cultures Flourish by Exploiting Men. The blurb on this book at Amazon says:
Those poor non-culture building women!![]()
Mr Regenerus doesn’t have to try and sound anything as long as he is posting truth. According to your profile you aren’t even Catholic so where do you come off posting your pro gay agenda filth in here? You’re not trying to ask a question or hear the Catholic point of view. You’re just trying to bring your Luther informed ERROR into our forum! Why don’t you go misinform your fellow heretics over in the Lutheran forum with your degenerate drivel. Or is there not enough left of the Lutheran “church” left to despoil?Pro gay agenda rubbish…
Why don’t you inform me in what way the claim by Mr. Baumeister (which Mr. Regnerus apparently supports since he had a link to Mr. Baumeister’s book) is a Catholic point of view? His claim that “the reason men dominate culture and rule the world” is because “culture grew out of male relationships” whereas women “are not culture-building” sounds kind of sexist to me, but perhaps I’m mistaken. I’m also not sure why you think that my disagreement with this claim has anything to do with a “pro gay agenda”.Mr Regenerus doesn’t have to try and sound anything as long as he is posting truth. According to your profile you aren’t even Catholic so where do you come off posting your pro gay agenda filth in here? You’re not trying to ask a question or hear the Catholic point of view. You’re just trying to bring your Luther informed ERROR into our forum! Why don’t you go misinform your fellow heretics over in the Lutheran forum with your degenerate drivel. Or is there not enough left of the Lutheran “church” left to despoil?
Why don’t you inform me in what way the claim by Mr. Baumeister (which Mr. Regnerus apparently supports since he had a link to Mr. Baumeister’s book) is a Catholic point of view? His claim that “the reason men dominate culture and rule the world” is because “culture grew out of male relationships” whereas women “are not culture-building” sounds kind of sexist to me, but perhaps I’m mistaken. I’m also not sure why you think that my disagreement with this claim has anything to do with a “pro gay agenda”.
Also, Mr. Baumeister’s book was published by Oxford University Press, has got many good revues and is perhaps a better book than what it originally sounded to me (although I have my doubts about this).![]()
Does this have anything to do with the specific study Mark Regnerus was part of or the criticism from Simon Cheng and Brian Powell that Mark Regnerus responded too?Why don’t you inform me in what way the claim by Mr. Baumeister (which Mr. Regnerus apparently supports since he had a link to Mr. Baumeister’s book) is a Catholic point of view? His claim that “the reason men dominate culture and rule the world” is because “culture grew out of male relationships” whereas women “are not culture-building” sounds kind of sexist to me, but perhaps I’m mistaken. I’m also not sure why you think that my disagreement with this claim has anything to do with a “pro gay agenda”.
Also, Mr. Baumeister’s book was published by Oxford University Press, has got many good revues and is perhaps a better book than what it originally sounded to me.![]()
Mr. Regnerus has a link to the Baumeister book in his response to the Cheng and Powell study, so he apparently feels that it buttresses his own argument about why children need both a mother and father. Although it could be argued that a household with two fathers has two culture builders instead of just one. Kids who grow up in such families should be twice as cultured.Does this have anything to do with the specific study Mark Regnerus was part of or the criticism from Simon Cheng and Brian Powell that Mark Regnerus responded too?
He cites the book, but that doesn’t necessarily agree with everything in there. Either in a professional capacity or casual conversion, don’t people cite sources to back up your argument or refute the argument, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you agree with everything that referenced source says. I can’t speak for Mark Regnerus though.Mr. Regnerus has a link to the Baumeister book in his response to the Cheng and Powell study, so he apparently feels that it buttresses his own argument about why children need both a mother and father. Although it could be argued that a household with two fathers has two culture builders instead of just one. Kids who grow up in such families should be twice as cultured.
This is gay agenda propaganda. A child cannot have 2 parents of the same sex. It is impossible because natural law dictates that a child is born from the procreative act of exactly one man and one woman period. If a tragedy precludes said child from living under the loving protection of their father & mother to subject the child to living under the care of a same-sex attracted couple is to expose that child to scandal which can result in the malformation of their conscience which may ultimately lead to the forfeiture of their eternal soul.Having two good and loving parents, whether they are a mother and a father or two mothers or two fathers is what is important.
He’s a homosexual. Once I learned that, it all made sense. Another poster who kept on bringing up the “Catholic Church’s obsession with gay ‘marriage’” or something like that turned to be a homosexual as well.Mr Regenerus doesn’t have to try and sound anything as long as he is posting truth. According to your profile you aren’t even Catholic so where do you come off posting your pro gay agenda filth in here? You’re not trying to ask a question or hear the Catholic point of view. You’re just trying to bring your Luther informed ERROR into our forum! Why don’t you go misinform your fellow heretics over in the Lutheran forum with your degenerate drivel. Or is there not enough left of the Lutheran “church” left to despoil?
Tell me: why shouldn’t it be legal? Why is heterosexual marriage being brought up as a right? How does same-sex marriage being legalised affect you in any meaningful way?Why should it be legal?
Why is same-sex “marriage” being brought up as a “right”?
What’s the point of marriage once we set aside the whole modern day “love-you-commitment” talk?
Why is marriage between a man & a woman not sufficient enough?
Tell me: why shouldn’t it be legal? Because it is an abomination that has never existed before not even amongst cultures depraved enuf to not discourage homosexuality like the ancient Greeks.
Why is heterosexual marriage being brought up as a right? Because it has existed from the beginning of time and is tied to something no less important as the continuation of our species.
How does same-sex marriage being legalized affect you in any meaningful way?It normalizes degenerate depraved behavior See how has it effected life for courageous Christian entrepreneurs & officials who dared to stand by their convictions & as a result have been sued slandered & imprisoned?