That I know. By “words of God” I meant what God tell us. Moreover here we are focusing on morality and whether it can be known by reason alone.This is not what the Church teaches. The Word of God (or Divine Logos) is the second person of the Holy Trinity, who is Christ. Divine Revelation are things God has revealed to us that could not be known through reason alone. Divine Revelation is contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
I know that you believe that evil does not exist. I think I can buy your definition of good and evil to see how our discussion follows in regard to subject of this thread.Evil doesn’t exist. Evil is the negation of the good. It is not merely “It’s evil only because God says it is.” It’s evil because God is perfectly good and any choices we make toward good are toward God and any we make that are away from the good (though they may still have some good in them) are away from God.
The ten commandments give SOME basis for morality, but the summary of Christ’s teachings is found in the Sermon on the Mount, of which the Beatitudes are central.