As most of you have heard, Donald Trump said there should be a penalty for abortion. After making the statement he quickly back away (allegedly because the pro-life community criticized him for that remark as well). I have not looked into the issue enough to know if the pro-life critics of that policy were Catholics or just liberal protestants.
But to those Catholics who disagree with Trump, why shouldn’t there be a criminal penalty for abortion? The Church has always taught that life should be protected from conception until natural death. I personally think abortion should be outlawed and treated as 1st degree murder because that’s exactly what it is: a premeditated homicide.
But to those Catholics who disagree with Trump, why shouldn’t there be a criminal penalty for abortion? The Church has always taught that life should be protected from conception until natural death. I personally think abortion should be outlawed and treated as 1st degree murder because that’s exactly what it is: a premeditated homicide.