How do you propose they confirm the woman actually had an abortion and not a miscarriage? Catch her in the act at the doctor’s office? How many doctors sympathetic to a woman wanting an abortion will state she was miscarrying and they scheduled her for a D & C and the hospital or surgical center? Abortions were done in doctor’s offices back before Roe V Wade and often in the hospital, too. It’s not something one can truly prosecute unless you plan on each and every pregnant woman being placed in a room with a video monitor and watched 24/7 until she gives birth.There are also serial killers who strike victims at random and don’t get caught. It doesn’t mean we should legalize murder because some get away. Yes, she would be handcuffed to the hospital bed until her arraignment. One of my friends from hs killed a girl he was dating. He tried to kill himself afterwards. I can only imagine the security would have been the same when he was recovering in the hospital. In order to even ban abortion, the country would have to become much more conservative. So yes, a court would convict if the law was in place because the country moved much further to the right on the abortion issue.
Look, just because a killer is a woman doesn’t mean she should get special treatment. Modern culture and social policy have been very female-oriented for the past couple of years. Plenty of men doing hard time (or even on death row) were plagued with poverty, mental illness, abuse, lack of opportunity, drug addiction, etc. Where was their get out of jail card? Even in cases where the victim’s family was Catholic, they were calling for the guy’s head (on a side note, I am fully against the death penalty in all cases). Why is it that women are treated like a protected species while men are treated much more harshly (not just in the legal system, but also society in general)? I still say that a woman who gets an abortion should do the time for first degree murder.