Why so many doubt threads?

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These are not the worst of times. Thats not what I’m saying. I’m saying, I can understand why some people have doubts about the church, especially because of the recent crisis. I’m not saying they should continue to doubt.
It is true that there are many doubters out there in this age. But it is not surprising to me. Jesus said: when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? the answer is no, expect for a relatively few faithful who sustain the world, otherwise it would be utterly destroyed.
Enemies of the Church, whether they realize it or not, sow doubt and confusion. It has always been this way.
Primarily one - but he has lots of help.

As to anxiety, the official figures are 1 in 5 Americans suffer from some form of anxiety. That is 64 million by the hard numbers. I see this on cancer forums daily. So many with vague or general symptoms are terrified - terrified! - that they have cancer. Well, I had three actual cancers and I was never terrified.

We live in an age with the most convenient life, abundant food supply, best health care, longest life span (since Genesis) and highest anxiety. Quite a dichotomy.

The interwebz has not helped, as negativity and doubt sell fast. You can Google up a death sentence in seconds. Faith, peace, confidence and reassurance are slow sellers.
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These are not the worst of times. Thats not what I’m saying. I’m saying, I can understand why some people have doubts about the church, especially because of the recent crisis. I’m not saying they should continue to doubt.
I agree in full. Diocletian times, those were hard times.
Nowadays we have a lot of time to think. We overthink things through. The devil is a philosopher and he gets us easily. That’s his job to be the oponant. Our job is to overcome ourselves eventually.
These hard times in terms on this - theology is readily available and many of us, ready or not, have to pass through some serious spiritual steps that once belonged to hermits and others seeking religious life. Most people would just work and go to church and maybe read prayers if they knew how to read.
Today you get a lot online, plus other religions, and your brain just has to solve more than before to stay faithful.
The Church is not more in crisis now than before except now we are all informed on it. Not that I am advocating misinformation either or lack of it, just that it’s a lot and with God’s help is doable. On our own is not doable. Only with God.
I see this on cancer forums daily. So many with vague or general symptoms are terrified - terrified ! - that they have cancer.
I have seen this too with different people, religious and not. I tell them: ‘He who loves God with all his heart does not fear death or punishment or judgment or hell, because perfect love assures access to God.’ - The Imitation of Christ
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