Well, parents and kids have to seek out VeggieTales. I’m pretty sure that it is not on regular broadcast (mainstream) TV, the way that all kinds of immoral content is on regular broadcast / mainstream TV.The issue is one of purely moral consideration, not age appropriateness. Frankly, I’d imagine children will accept what their parents say on the matter. There might be a question or two, but children don’t tend to really rebel against their parents’ morals until they become teenagers, at which point you’d probably have to be more convincing than “because God said so” on pretty much everything.
I doubt the existence of an agenda is a problem If that were the case, people would also be complaining about anti-bullying, anti-drug, and pro-family agendas. They’d also be yelling at VeggieTales for having a clear Christian agenda. Basically, trying to frame the issue as screenwriters having an agenda is disingenuous. It’s that what was shown/taught wasn’t to the person’s liking.scriptwriters etc shouldn’t be pushing agendas onto kids.
When I was a kid, many of my favorite shows and movies had some romantic elements in them. Sure, not all of them did, but I’d say that a good chunk did. I always liked it, even if I obviously never wrote the producers and asked for them to keep up.It’s not kids of that age that are asking for these characters-they are more interested in lions and fairies,magic,talking funny animals etc-so why the necessity to add them to kids shows?
At least where I live, filtering out LGBT content would mean not leaving the house. If I were a parent, I’d rather not have the discussion with a gay couple there or in the middle of Mass. A TV show makes it easier to do that.Kids will be exposed to things in this modern world but responsible parenting means filtering things.
Edit: To clarify, my church isn’t “accepting”. The priests are all pretty conservative but would probably bring the topic up during the homily sooner or later.
If we feel that we can’t leave our houses without being confronted without immoral sexual content,then the extreme LGBT lobby has won.
So really, you would prefer to bring the immoral content into your domestic church (your home), and you would prefer not to have it brought up at Mass? I guess I’m not sure why anyone would want that.
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