Why so many responses of the people in novus ordo?

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I go to a regular Mass (NovusOrdo?) and I don’t take the host from EMHCs, just a priest, or deacon (less often that the priest). I do receive the Precious Blood from an EMHC because they’re the only ones administering it.
See that’s where I don’t know if I want to get into much talk on how I feel currently. It is not my intention to offend anyone, but I suppose I would rather receive from a priest. It doesn’t seem appropriate to receive from a lay person. I thought it was only for extraordinary reasons to have lay people giving the Sacrament out but it didn’t seem to be an extraordinary reason at the masses I went too. Also people taking it on their hands and even the priest saying “the Body of Christ” to me was kind of a shock; I realized everyone was saying “Amen” after so I did too but like I never realized that is something you respond too. I was used to the priest saying "Corpus Domini Nostri Iesu Christi custodiat animam tuam in vitam aeternam, Amen”,which in English means “May the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve your soul unto life everlasting. Amen.” You don’t reply anything and is put on your tongue with a paten under.
I was also kind of stunned at how fast the priest at the novus ordo mass seems to clean the sacred particles. Maybe that is just the priest though.

But anyways I am glad to be experiencing this now even though it is so foreign to me and ironically reading some posts it’s completely opposite for them when they go to the EF for the first time.

I really appreciate everyone responding so charitably in teaching me so much wonderful information about everything that I have questions about.
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Not true. The former can’t be the only mass offered, whereas the latter can. So they’re not technically “equal”, per infallible doctrine.
Baloney. If both Masses are legitimate, then both Masses are said by Jesus. There are no grades of perfection relative to what Jesus offers to the Father.
There is some serious doubt that what some consider to be a violation of Trent would be any real world violation. Trent itself noted that any form of the Mass in the Roman Rite that was less than several hundred years old (I believe it was 200, but I am not going to look it up) were suppressed. as a result, there are several forms extent, such as the Dominican Rite; all tend to have a narrow use.

One can get into all sorts of permutations of arguments about the OF; and the vast majority of it is a waste of good oxygen. Sacrosanctum Concilium did not “suppress” the EF, but I doubt that when the bishops voted on it, they had any intention of having two forms of the Mass continue. They intended to modify the EF, and that is what occurred. The dust up after the introduction of the OF was in part due to those who wanted no or only very minimal changes, and to the fact that enough changes were made that it upset a minority who protested loudly. Some of them were SSPX, some were not. Both John Paul 2 and Benedict 16 have tried to deal with those who objected, and there were a number of bishops who felt strongly that having 2 forms of the Rite was not a wise decision.

The vast majority of Masses said, and the vast majority of people attending Mass, do so in the OF. Precious little is said by them of the EF; in fact, it would be no surprise if a poll were taken and large numbers of Mass going Catholics were essentially unaware of the EF.

Vatican 2 did not merely make the OF optional. Vatican 2, as set out by the bishops, removed things which had been added to the Mass, often well before Trent but carried through by Trent, and put back into the Mass things which had been lost. And perhaps what assisted the OF in spreading like wildfire was the move to the vernacular. The OF may be said in all Lating (and the smattering of Greek); it cane be said partially in the native tongue (e.g English, Spanish, French) and partially in Latin/Greek, or it can be said all in the vernacular.

An example of how well the vernacular was appreciated: my mother was born in 1917. She, my dad, and eventually all of us siblings had a missal. One day about 10 or 15 years ago I asked her what she thought of the changes of Vatican 2. Her immediate and positive response was “Oh! The Mass in English!” after she retired, she was an almost daily Mass goer. Rubrics? I am not sure she even knew the word, and none of it much mattered to her. Being able to follow the priest without having to read something was the major plus.

I suspect that it is the same for most who attend the OF.
I agree. Actually it was the section in Gaudete et Exsultate I believe it was chapter 2 of Pope Francis’ exhortation on the "new Gnosticism and Pelagianism " that made me realize it isn’t our outward worship that makes us better Catholics. And I never really thought that way but i honestly can say many people who go to SSPX masses think exactly that. And speak so negatively about the Novus Ordo and Second Vatican Council and even the Pope. I realized I was in a bubble and was not being a good Catholic when I first moved into university and would not attend a Novus Ordo Mass because of this atmosphere I was brought up in. The Popes exhortation was recommended to me by a fellow classmate and I read it on Vatican website and I realized my whole life I was basically a new Pelagian. Not that anything is wrong with the EF but to think you are more “holy” then people who go to the Novus Ordo because of outward worship is so wrong and un Catholic really. This is how I was raised and I am so just mixed at how I feel toward my parents right now. I mean I love them and they love me I know but it’s almost like they raised me in this bubble to feel some sort of reverence that is supposed to make me feel more holy than other Catholics and that is not what being a Catholic is about and I just am so mixed right now about how I feel. Anger isn’t the word, more just let down. I feel as though I was lied too.
Are there any parishes near you that also offer the E.F.? I’ve found that parishes that do tend to celebrate the O.F. similarly and so there’s less of a culture shock.
You may wish to contact the office of your local bishop as the questions you ask are beyond the expertise of most all who visit these forums.

I have my doubts that the Church would consider your baptism invalid. I also doubt that the Eucharist you have received is invalid. as to anything else (and both of those issues too) you should seek out someone in your diocese at “headquarters” - perhaps a Canon lawyer if you can speak with one. Don’t ask the secretary or whoever answers the phone. They may not know any more than most posters herein.
I looked it up and there is one that is like at a Church a couple towns away.
I actually am just interested in coming to appreciate the novus ordo and make friendships with the many wonderful young Catholics here. It just seems a process. In some ways I feel like I was in a cult to be honest. As horrible as that may sound.
Then it sounds like you’re in a good place, and I’m happy for ya! 🙂

I also second what otjm said: touch base with your diocesan chancery and ask about your sacraments.
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Another thing about me receiving, is since sometime when I was a kid (teenager, maybe), I received in in hand, but the lat two times I received, I received on my tongue.
There is some serious doubt that what some consider to be a violation of Trent would be any real world violation.
Stopped reading here. We’ll just respectfully agree to disagree. I can’t see rationale in picking and choosing which infallible Canon teachings to follow.
To help us all out on your statement that the language of the Mass in Trent was infallible doctrine, perhaps you can cite Dr. Ludwig Ott in Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, or other approved source from the Church setting out that it was infallible doctrine? I could not find it anywhere in Ott’s work, but perhaps I missed it.
You do make a good point. I assume this poll you would take people for the most part would be like “huh?” If you asked about Ordinary Form and Extraordinary Form in that language. If you said “Traditional Latin Mass” most would probably reply , " Oh they still do that?"
Most Catholics are aware there was a Latin Mass. Most who aren’t old enough probably would just assume it was the OF just said in Latin I would assume. Which the OF is said in Latin once in a while I’ve read. Technically even calling the EF the ’ Latin Mass’ is a misnomer as even the OF is originally in Latin. I’ve also read these past few days the EF was permitted in the vernacular in many parts following the Second Vatican Council up until the Novus Ordo came out in 1970. So for like five years the EF was permitted in many parts in the vernacular.
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Dr. Ludwig Ott in Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, or other approved source from the Church setting
Could you cite me a source that this source trumps infallible Canons, i.e. including “If anyone says…let him be anathema”? And that four subsequent Popes validated?
Not my opinion. I’m simply reading text of infallible Canons of Trent. Mass only in vernacular not permitted, thus masses can’t be equal, per this teaching. I realize subsequent Councils (Vat II) discussed other masses, but can’t trump infallible Canon. If I’m wrong tell me but I’m not seeing it?
am so just mixed at how I feel toward my parents right now. I mean I love them and they love me I know but it’s almost like they raised me in this bubble to feel some sort of reverence that is supposed to make me feel more holy than other Catholics and that is not what being a Catholic is about and I just am so mixed right now about how I feel. Anger isn’t the word, more just let down. I feel as though I was lied too.
It is highly unlikely that your parents, any parent, would knowingly do anything to hurt their children. Speaking from one who is certain that I have done things to hurt my children … not realizing that I was doing it…thinking that I was doing the right thing. I would suggest that you feel towards them how you would feel if you were in their shoes; because I can pretty much guarantee you that someday, assuming you have children, you WILL be in their shoes.
You have remarked 3 times now that Trent made infallible statements about the form of the Mass. Please cite.

And please don’t cite anthemas, as they are not a sign of an infallible statement.
According to the 2,147 bishops of the world, who voted in favor of Sacrosanctum Concilium.
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