My mom gave birth to 10, while I, of course, in no way know what she experienced, hardships & all; she did relate how difficult it could be.
Maybe you are trying to say that objective ethics means cold & heartless
regarding someones experience & hardships. While this is not true;
Jesus Christ & The Church teach diligent compassion to minister to persons,
and help through hardships, knowing that God gives the same; and the
close Grace brings a person to God; the better the concern for the other person.
And this means the mother; as well as the child. No one knows exactly
the child’s experience & pain; but another’s doesn’t justify putting the child
through that; or killing the child.
And the other justifications of what a born child may go through has a similar answer;
we minister to the situations that may hurt the child; and minister to things like
medical conditions.
Jesus Christ asked us to receive grace for rest for our souls, that His yoke,
which is easy & light; with Grace helping doing things His Way; we receive
strength for the ‘narrow & difficult way to life’ with all of it’s unearned & natural hardships. Since; The Spiritual; Life, Ministry, Mock Trial, Passion, Agonizing Death;
and Resurrection is real; His Yoke perfectly empathized to help toward God & God’s Ways. When going against; we fight against His yoke; so from the Divine Revelation;
transitory solutions on earth naturally harm one’s inner disposition toward God.
Justifications, and ‘emotional high’ experiences anesthetize the Grace of increase inner restlessness; but only willing received Grace helps someone realize this.
Those of Grace filled virtue; like the Ten-booms; who endured hardship to help fellow
human beings received their strength this way. Dietrich von Hildebrand from the early
1920s saw what was happening in Germany; and warned about this. So did others;
who saw through the apparent successes; like more working, rebuilding roads and so forth. It wasn’t until after horrible agendas & ideologies became evident & realized;
did many, including some clergy, know they should have listened to the warnings of those who saw through what was happening. What’s the point? Experience & hardship in this world - does not justify the means of addressing them, like killing a helpless human being.
“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” - Jesus Christ, Matthew 11:29
*note: just realized, in Chapt. 11 Jesus Christ speaks of those, trying to force their way
into The Kingdom of God by violence; which He certainly warned does not promote
The Kingdom of God and all its Grace filled benefits like growing inner peace & joy;
to endure life’s experiences, like a sense of powerlessness to alleviate someone’s illness; or other hardships. God doesn’t inflict unearned suffering; God is perfectly Compassionately Benevolent; gives perfect Grace & strength. There must be a perfect rhyme & reason to everything that happens. “And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.” - Romans 8:28