But the act of being a slave disregarded the slave’s right bodily integrity/ autonomy . In other words, it kept the slave from being a full person in their own right.
Forgive me for my semantics. The act of enslavement disregards the an individuals right to bodily integrity/ autonomy. Being declared a slave results in an individual’s loss of bodily integrity/ autonomy and any other rights/liberties.
I wasn’t arguing the morality of it. I’m stating the fact of what enslavement does to an individual in response to what you wrote.
Legal perspective isn’t bogus. It’s what we’ve used for ages to establish and codify law
It is if you’re using it to make arguments on morality, instead of some other basis, since it’s been proven to be unreliable
You mentioned slavery first.
We do use legal perspective to make arguments on what is morally acceptable in our laws.
My forebears considered the legal perspective of the day, (ie. the king wasn’t doing what he was supposed to do to in regards to his authority over the colonials) and fought in the American Revolutionary War to establish a new set of codes called the United States Constitution. Slavery was one of those moral arguments they debated.
Are you telling me what they did was bogus because they looked at various legal perspectives of their day? People during that period were making arguments that slavery could be wrong, even though it had its legal, economic, and religious place in society.
Slavery is condoned in the Bible. People that use the good book as their moral guide have argued for slavery in the past, can argue for it today, and could ideally argue for it in the future. It’s not like the rights to bodily autonomy and life are solid Biblical positions.
A teenager has a body that is developing and it isn’t a baby.
So now the fetus is a teenager? Murder case is now a slam dunk!
Are you referring to a former fetus that is now a teenager.
And that teenager is murdered? It’s a murder case, slam dunk?
What are you trying to say?
And please, don’t tell me that teenagers, who are living, breathing people that have been murdered, get a murder case, slam dunk, over their deaths.