It was discussed here. When Roe v. Wade came down, we had multiple homilies on it from the pulpit. I was 9 years old at the time and I remember them to this day, partly because my favorite homilist at the time out of our parish priests gave one of the homilies. “If Joanie Nurse decides she doesn’t want to assist with an abortion at the hospital” blahblahblah.I also grew up in the 70s/80s. My sense is that it was simply not discussed, same as with any other matters of sex and sexuality. Sexual morality was enforced by ignoring the existence of sex.
We had a new priest in the late 70s who used THAT WORD in a homily once or twice and it caused an uncomfortable stir in the parish.
When the abortion episode of the TV show “Maude” came out, we also had the bishop and our pastor in the pulpit telling us not to watch it and not to watch the show and in no uncertain terms why we shouldn’t support the show.
One thought that was always in my mind when I was a teenager was that if I should somehow get accidentally pregnant, I could NOT just “fix my mistake” by having an abortion. I would have to tell my parents, carry the baby, and have it. This was terrifying, but at the same time I couldn’t imagine burning the skin off a baby with saline any more than I could see myself killing a puppy. It was a huge deterrent to having teenage sex, that’s for sure.