Why the lack of Tridentine Mass?

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How can anyone say music like this doesn’t deserve first place during a Mass?


They have samples there - exactly what Chant is SUPPOSED to sound like.

Podo, you dont have a clue! mt 5/17-23 in the broader sense means jesus didnt come to change anything, in the specific sense to worship it means you are to be just as holy when he started his church as jew wer ever at any time during worship. its not to be a free for all like you seem to want it to be. worship of God is not about happieness on earth, but making your journey to Heaven.
How can anyone say music like this doesn’t deserve first place during a Mass?


They have samples there - exactly what Chant is SUPPOSED to sound like.

I have to agree with you. Interestingly, Chant is to hold first place in the current Mass. The problem as I see it isn’t with the current missal, but with the “innovators” who want to push their own agendas.
The tridentine mass is b.s. it makes you feel as if worshiping God like you’re nothing.It just tells you that there is a higher being over you and you have to worship him, but the mass doesn’t explain further like Jesus intended it to be! When you worship God you can do it in lots of ways, if we love each other then we are worshiping God( as he said whatever you do unto the least of my brothers, you do unto me) Socializing is one of the things, we are supposed to work as a community worshiping God not going solo that is b.s… And about the chapter in Matthew he says to obey his laws like do not murder etc… but he never said " You can not change the form of mass" Jesus was not a solemn figure that walks around with his hands together and prayed all the time, but He is a joyful and merciful Lord. That is why we celebrate mass each weekend(not like a regular party, but helping each other and fulfilling his word)
Have i made myself clear? If not then it’s useless to talk to you guys, It’s your way or no one’s How sad
The New Mass is not the problem. The problem is how it is put into practice. The communal aspect is laudible, but in some parishes it has become the main focus. Many Catholics my age today see Mass as primarily a time to sing and pray with other Catholics. It’s a praish get together. You can see this in the way people dress like their going to a parish picnic instead of the most Holy Sacrifice of Our Lord. The main focus should be the commemoration of the sacrafice of our Lord, a very solemn occasion indeed. It doesn’t ahve to be like a funeral, but you can “celebrate” solemnly. I think the Eucharist can sometimes get a little lost in the mix. The reverence shown to the Body and Blood of Christ is often lacking. How many people today approach the sacrament with mortal sin on their conscence? Whatever problems the Latin Mass has, one thing that can never be said is that their is a lack of reverence for the Eucharist. Plus, the chant is so much more beautiful than the hokey youth band :whacky:
I agree-the new mass and worse yet the priests make it feel like a big get together. The hand holding, now the raised hands I saw a few week ago, felt like I was in Nazi Germany. People are worshipping themselves and the line of garbage I hear-as I was watching EWTN a week ago (I forget the show, it is with the three priests who discuss scripture) and they were talking about some of the “abuses” that are going on in mass and they treaded so lightly as they did not want to upset anyone, and then they took us into a new renovated church and it was disgusting, it really looked less reverent than the Lutheran church around the block from where I live-It seems that the new churchs are round as they said the new design calls for a “community” atmosphere with little or no separation between the laity and the priest. Sorry-but that is Protestant and if we wanted Protestant we would go to a Protestant church.
The New Mass is not the problem. The problem is how it is put into practice. The communal aspect is laudible, but in some parishes it has become the main focus. Many Catholics my age today see Mass as primarily a time to sing and pray with other Catholics. It’s a praish get together. You can see this in the way people dress like their going to a parish picnic instead of the most Holy Sacrifice of Our Lord. The main focus should be the commemoration of the sacrafice of our Lord, a very solemn occasion indeed. It doesn’t ahve to be like a funeral, but you can “celebrate” solemnly. I think the Eucharist can sometimes get a little lost in the mix. The reverence shown to the Body and Blood of Christ is often lacking. How many people today approach the sacrament with mortal sin on their conscence? Whatever problems the Latin Mass has, one thing that can never be said is that their is a lack of reverence for the Eucharist. Plus, the chant is so much more beautiful than the hokey youth band :whacky:
netmil(name removed by moderator):
Try here…

Understand that not all of these are approved. However, I attended a local “Independent Church” as an observer only. I have to say it was beautiful and made me want to attend the Indult once our Diocese put it in.
The New Mass is a dud. The Montreal semianry once had 700 seminarians but now they have 30. that’s a lose of over 2000%
The Mass is the Mass is the Mass. It doesn’t cause a dimunition in ordinations. Other factors are involved.

The Mass is the action of Christ. I don’t think you want to blame Him fpr a decrese in the number of seminarians.
Many seem to make the connection that the new Mass caused the vocation crisis. But how do you explain the droves of priests who were educated before the new mass and then proceeded to perpetrate the abuses of the new mass? .
Fr. Hardon thought the “revolution” began in the 1940’s. All The Bishops blamed for the Council and the Mass were ordained in the Tridentine Rite.
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