Counterpoint;11950222]Traditional Christianity actually holds that there is. It’s called “
eternal generation and procession.”
Again you are confusing the eternal generation of the One who begets and One who is begotten, which is revealed in the procession of the Trinity when God’s Essence is hidden in each person of the Trinity, when both remain a mystery to things seen and unseen.
We profess the Son is eternally begotten of the Father “not made”, this procession does not define the Essence of God but God accuring as Lord, moving and acting from His Love in Love.
The procession of the Trinity of persons is an eternal procession outside of time and space. The presence of the Trinity of persons makes the eternal procession present in time and space in the presence of God.
Keeping in mind not division or separation in the things divine and eternal from what is consubstantial of all three persons divine. God the Father proceeds from no one. The procession of the Trinity gives name to the Father who begets and the Son is the only begotten of the Father and the Holy Spirit proceeds from both.
You are equating the name (singular) Father, Son and Holy Spirit as created beings from the Father, this is never the case in the Trinity.
For the Trinity reveals the name, Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the divine economy relating to the procession of persons.
The one Father who begets the only begotten Son is an eternal begetting, because the procession of the begetting is eternal not made.
I would suggest a reflection of the things which are eternal which remain a mystery on this side of death and the things revealed in space and time from the eternal.
It appears your newly invented concepts try and force God to become created and not the creator. True your concepts do not hold to the Traditions of how God reveals His presence to our humanity and as our creator. Your concepts are new in this age and time, but are disguised from pagan false concepts of God, which you appear to be repeating from ancient pagan traditions, who placed God in a box and confined their deities to creation.
Because I consider the “eternal generation” to be the real creation.
Why do you take what God has revealed to our humanity of the “eternal begetting or generation” professed by the Church of Jesus Christ and try and change it?
You only confuse your self when you take the infinite things of God and force change on them to fit our finite understandings. God’s ways are not our ways, and God’s thoughts are not our thoughts.
Maybe from this foundation, ones intellect is raised from carnal knowledge to the eternal spiritual realities.
God Himself (Essence) is incomprehensible by human standards. When a person wills to be known, that person reveals His identity. of who He is and makes His presence known. Another person (humans) cannot reveal another’s identity (God).
Now in regards to the Trinity, each person gives witness to one another, because all three persons distinct in revelation or persons and procession is God. For God does not accept testimony from man of who God is, only God can give testimony of God, this is the testimony from God who reveals Himself in Trinity.
God said; “Thou art my beloved Son; with thee I am well pleased” after the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form as a dove, and again it is revealed.
Again in Hebrews 5:5…“Thou art my Son, today I have begotten thee”
Can’t leave out Luke who writes the testimony of the **five eyewitnesses **in the transfiguration; God said; “This is my beloved Son, Listen to Him”.
It’s ok to introduce new Words to the revelations of God, so long as they do not change the revelations of God.
Peace be with you