Counterpoint;11953729]You are the one who is confused. “Begotten” and “generated” are interchangeable terms.
Lol… I asserted “you are confused” so as to trigger a response from you to clarify your position, I did not expect a finger pointing match lol… I will yield to such actions.
You appear to be translating “Begotten” or “generated” to space and time. For clarification the Church does not relate the begetting, the “begotten” as a procession made in time and space. It is here where we begin the complex of misunderstandings.
The “Begotten” is revealed in time and space in the human nature of Jesus Christ. While the begetting and the begotten takes place eternally.
**Human reason example; When you talk or speak a word from your human nature. Do you send your spoken word to another to be understood by you? We call this
communication or revelation of one to another.
When you speak a word from your being,(human nature) did you not send your word to another and did not your own word which possesses all of your intellect and will was begotten by you, did you not “father” your own word and send it out to make known your will? Please stay with me here, you asked for a reason for my faith in the Trinity.
Do you pretend not, that the word you speak did not come from your mind (intellect) heart, conscience? The latter are never seen, we can relate to these latter as your word proceeds from them, and all of them, although distinct from one another, each one is distinct in procession from the whole you. They all begin and have their being and share their existence with your human nature, all different in what they are, yet they are all of you one person. Thus God created man in His own Image and Likeness.**
God did not make us god’s, God created man in His Image and Likeness, that images His Love and His procession of life and love, making us “little god’s” that images His likeness to multiply in His Love and subdue creation, His gift to man in Love.
You “father” your word, in other words, your word comes from your being, your word is you, although distinct in procession, your word was begotten by you and as you live existing in time and space, the words you speak are always begotten of you, because you beget or father your word and you send your word to another to reveal your self to the other.
God created us in His likeness, the difference is, we beget or father our own words in space and time, they are heard and then are subject to space and time. When God begets His Word, and only begets ONE begotten, God the Father moves and acts from eternity existing. And what is eternal is eternally living and being existing with no beginning and no end.
It is revealed by God that His Word is distinct from the one who begets (Father) who sends HIs Word and John inspired by the Holy Spirit writes; and that Word was in the beginning…and the Word is God.
That is why our human words can only motivate another from human words to inspire another human being to act. Our words can hurt another as well as motivate another.
God’s Word is a eternal living person with no beginning and no end, because God lives and breathes, please do not take breathing literally.
The Word of God is a living person, The Word of God is the creative cause, who is sent from the Cause (Father) possessing all what the Father gives the Son.
So when the Church professes that the Father eternally begets the only begotten Son. What she claims is God is living, revealing, acting, moving, breathing =begetting eternally in His presence, in Trinity of persons, to make known His presence in creation by the Trinity of living persons, not by nature (creation) which returns to dust
Creation returns to dust, the Son is never created for the Son comes from eternity the Father and we crucified Him and buried Him, yet the incarnate Word was never subject to decay (creation) for He raised from death and returned to heaven eternity.
For the begotten Son to be created or regenerated in time and space, God would have to contradict himself and return to the dust from which creation came, after our sin crucified His flesh, and God himself allowed our human nature which He took upon Himself to will His humanity for our sake to die the death on our behalf, when He said “it is finished” He Himself commended His life back into the Father’s hands, not subjected it to creation.
peace be with you