Why WAP Matters

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“Sara Thomas, a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, wondered why so many adolescent girls now feel obligated to share nude and semi-nude selfies. So she asked girls: why do you share these photos? The most common answer: because boys ask for them. Then she asked: why do you do what the boys ask you to do? The girls gave two answers: 1) because all the other girls are doing it; 2) because they don’t know how, or why, to say no.”

Articles like this make me wonder if it’s even possible to raise children as Catholics in such a degraded culture.

Played this song for my wife so we could Guide our children not to listen to it.
It’s verbal porn as explicit as anything I’ve ever “seen” visually. And I grew up with NWA 2 live crew, ludacris, yin yang twins etc.
if young girls are into this and then you add the complete lack of supervision, “virtual schooling” no large group gatherings publicly means small group gatherings in homes etc and you are going to have a lot of teen sex, with a lot of teen sex you are going to have a lot of teen pregnancies and with a lot of teen pregnancies you will have an increase in abortions.
Ancient Rome had a pornographic culture, but they didn’t have our technology to spread it.
The lyrics are absolutely gross.

I thank God I am not raising my kids now.

Our kids did not have phones until 11th grade. Never had a tv in their bedroom, nor did my husband and I until about 5 years ago, and it is gone now. No laptop til my daughter went away to college. No smart phone. My youngest started earlier, but later than his peers and was bullied because of it.

Our kids grew up hearing all kinds of “actual” music from an early age. Country, rock, classical, opera, oldies, pop. Today, they all have very eclectic tastes. When we are together, we can always find something we all like, no problem.

There is nothing redeeming about the “song” in question.

What are people teaching their daughters about respect for themselves? Not enough if they are sending nude selfies “because everyone else does it.” Girls that don’t need other people’s acceptance and are comfortable with being different because they don’t follow the crowd are what we need more of.

It’s very sad.
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I’ve found that the best way to help guide kids…boys and girls…isn’t just to tell them Don’t do that! but to actually give them things to say in response. Why dontcha send me a nude photo? Answer them, No, I respect myself too much to do that. Or, Photos on the internet will be there forever…I don’t want my parents to see that! Guide them with actual responses so they aren’t left trying to think what to say. It works for bullying and inappropriate questions…all manner of things they have to deal with.

Plus, your children also know that you are aware of this going on. You really aren’t so stupid! I tried to give my kids actual responses to fight back against peer pressure and later in life, they told me how much it helped! Peer pressure isn’t any stronger today than yesterday…it’s just different contexts and instant communication. Peer pressure often works because they don’t know how to respond without feeling like an outcast or looser! Give them responses they will actually be able to use, too!
Rome was a pagan culture and had never been exposed to Christianity. Our current US culture has in many ways rejected Christian culture for paganism.

Reminds me of Julian the apostate (Roman emperor) who looked at Christian early Rome and said, “Ugh, I want to bring back the pagans —not the virtuous pagans like Cincinnatus or Cicero—I want the pagans like Messalina. I want the bacchanalia and homosexual pride and rampant sex and wild orgies and incredible materialism.”

Julian didn’t last too long. . .but even though he was defeated, Christianised early Rome pretty much had to reach rock bottom—had to have all its temporal power and goods and ‘good living’ and ‘privilege’ etc. Taken away by barbarians —had to become humble and so embrace the true Christian message that until then had been for the rich and powerful a cultural Christianity or something that was an afterthought; one was a rich aristocrat with plenty of power and ‘good life’ first, and a nominal ‘Christian’ pretty far down on the list.

Yep, modern society is very similar to that of Rome just before the fall of Rome.

Way back in 1976, at the age of 20, I opined that by the time we had our 250th anniversary of independence we’d be seeing the fall of the US in the same way. 50 years seemed to be so far away. Now, it’s just 6 years away and my prophecy appears to be coming true with a vengeance.
Yes, I agree. Parents need to give their kids permission to blame them when they tell other kids “my parents would kill me if I did that.” I always told my kids go ahead, make me the bad guy.

We did discuss what to say to bullies or people with bad ideas. They also knew to call us up if they needed an excuse to leave when they were at someone’s house and didn’t like what was going on.

Parents can’t let kids fend for themselves in all things. There are some things they need help with, and apparently, too many kids are clueless.
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Way back in 1976, at the age of 20, I opined that by the time we had our 250th anniversary of independence we’d be seeing the fall of the US in the same way. 50 years seemed to be so far away. Now, it’s just 6 years away and my prophecy appears to be coming true with a vengeance.
There’s certainly a war approaching for the spirit of our nation. Fought with words or weapons, I do not know. All I know is I don’t expect this turmoil to end until one side is subjugated.

I wonder if civil war is a part of the natural life of a democracy. If those who want to restrict the rights of others or expand their own over those of others need to be purged in some way for the health of a free country. It would be a sad affair if it were true, but we can always pray that it isn’t.
Articles like this make me wonder if it’s even possible to raise children as Catholics in such a degraded culture.
I agree with 80% of the article.
What I take exception with is the implication that everyone has to like Beethoven because he was great.
I only like one of his orchestra. Does that mean I’m tasteless?

Teach girls to say no, invite them to listen to historical masterpieces but you can’t force them to like it.
There’s certainly a war approaching for the spirit of our nation. Fought with words or weapons, I do not know. All I know is I don’t expect this turmoil to end until one side is subjugated.
That’s an interesting perspective. I’m not sure we would necessarily have a civil war over it…meaning using weapons. While our society has certainly become more secular, we have also come to be very opposed to an actual war. I may be just naive here.

If secularity “wins” the war of ideas I think most religions will do as they have always done when forced into silence…go underground and slowly try to change the minds of the people. There will always be religion of some kind trying yet again to win the hearts and minds of the public.

It would also be the first civil war around sex more than any other issues!
I agree with 80% of the article.
What I take exception with is the implication that everyone has to like Beethoven because he was great.
I only like one of his orchestra. Does that mean I’m tasteless?

Teach girls to say no, invite them to listen to historical masterpieces but you can’t force them to like it.
I discovered classical music on my own as a teenager, and was amazed I hadn’t heard it before. I once made my younger brother sit with me to listen to a recording of Beethoven’s 5th symphony all the way to the end.
It’s frustrating when articles like this claim to know the underlying reason why girls are “fleeing womanhood” because of things like WAP.

No, girls are not thinking “if that’s what it means to be female, I want no part of it. If that’s what girls are supposed to do, then I am not a girl.” that’s not how gender dysphoria work.

As a recent child (lol), one thing I noticed amongst myself and my peers growing up was that there seemed to be no ‘outlet’ for teenage girls. The more conservatives view don’t really acknowledge that yes, teen girls do want sex and are hormone crazy. We didn’t really had the “tools” to navigate girlhood and girls often heard a more puritan view of how their virginity is a present to give…etc etc.

Then comes along ‘liberated’ women with their explicit lifestyles and it honestly does look liberating and feminist. So younger girls flock to that because it temporarily addresses their needs. It sucks but that has honestly been the case with teenagers and them throwing out their suffocating faith for shiner things.
Teach girls to say no, invite them to listen to historical masterpieces but you can’t force them to like it.
I agree. If we’re really being honest here, you can’t get a teenager to switch to classical music from Cardi B.

My parents are pretty hands off with the content I consumed as a teenager, but one thing I liked was that they aren’t afraid to praise modern music if they think the lyrics are nice, instead of just hating on the artist.

Side note: I think folklore by Taylor Swift is a decent album, I hope pop music turns to that direction.
Yes, I agree. Parents need to give their kids permission to blame them when they tell other kids “my parents would kill me if I did that.” I always told my kids go ahead, make me the bad guy.
This is incredibly helpful. Validation from peers is such a big deal.
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Also another thought: growing up, we had the Disney girls to look up to. These singers are no longer kid friendly in general, but back then they had to be family friendly in their contracts.

Miley Cyrus, The Jonas Brothers etc.

Does anyone feel like that may be it? We don’t have this kind of celebrities anymore. Teenage girls used to look up to stars that were tailor made for them. Now I realise teenage girls are liking the same artists people my age listen to.
Two years ago, Bruno Mars earned the Grammy for Song of the Year for “That’s What I Like,” in which he offers a woman money for sex, telling her that she can “take my wallet” if she will just “turn around and drop it” because “[that’s what I like]”.
This ^ is one of the most disturbing parts of the article. That song is pedophile creepy.

Only kids buy this stuff. As long as kids have buying power, and are willing to be bombarded by ads on YouTube, then what do we as a society expect? That suddenly the entertainment industry will put your kid’s well being above their own profits?
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you are going to have a lot of teen sex, with a lot of teen sex you are going to have a lot of teen pregnancies and with a lot of teen pregnancies you will have an increase in abortions.
Oh? Teen pregnancy had been in decline for years. So much so it’s part of the lower TFR overall. Also, fewer teens are having sex than in previous generations.
there has been a significant decline in the percentage of never-married girls and women ages 15 to 19 who report that they have ever had sex, from 51% in 1988 to 42% in 2011-15, according to National Survey of Family Growth data.
Um. I don’t know if you have been on a scientific expedition in Antarctica this year but you can get ready to throw those stats out the Covid 2020 window. The level of idle, unsupervised time with access to the internet and the absence of parents will no doubt increase teen sex. Kids are home while parents are at work and there is no school or virtual school in many areas of the country. Round these parts we have 8 year olds helping 6 year olds set up computers for virtual schooling while the parents are gone. No summer camps, no sports, no supervision. A Society that seems intent on epstiening our kids… good luck.
you can get ready to throw those stats out the Covid 2020 window. The level of idle, unsupervised time with access to the internet and the absence of parents will no doubt increase teen sex.
We shall see another 1.5 years from now. There was a lot of unsupervised time and areas of campus beyond the view of the hidden camera " smoke detectors" when I was a teen in the late 90s. That doesn’t even get into the gap between school ending and parents returning from work.

I’m actually forecasting a greater difficulty in young adults dating and progressing towards families (licit or otherwise). Partially from the lack of experience interacting with others in person during an extended multi year lockdown.
However, not all kids are fans of WAP. Some kids think it’s gross, some just think it’s some weird novelty song.
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