I agree with this. I actually think that for the most part, Christianity in the U.S. IS already “underground.”If secularity “wins” the war of ideas I think most religions will do as they have always done when forced into silence…go underground and slowly try to change the minds of the people. There will always be religion of some kind trying yet again to win the hearts and minds of the public.
You don’t dare speak about your faith in a workplace or school now unless you are willing to get fired or expelled. You keep silent and live faith without talking about it. I don’t think that’s Biblical, but it’s what many of us are doing to survive here.
I wish it were not so–I lived through the delightful “Christianity awakening” in the late 1960s/early 70s, and it was wonderful when so many people were interested in Jesus and attending Billy Graham crusades, Campus Crusade for Christ events, concerts by really GOOD Christian rock musicians (including John Michael Talbot!), wearing “Jesus” apparel, wearing buttons proclaiming their faith, and writing books about how to live for Christ. It was wonderful when Dr. James Dobson was a hero, and “liberalism” was recognized and denounced. It was wonderful when as a Sunday school teacher for young teens, I was able to have “Witnessing Parties” where we went from door to door to share the Gospel (NOT to proselytize people into our Protestant church).
And in the Catholic Church, the years that Saint Pope John Paul II was leading the Church were wonderful years–it was during that time the Chuck Colson, one of the most respected and admired Evangelical Protestant, teamed up with Father Neuhaus to develop Evangelicals and Catholics Together, and many MANY Protestants recognized during this pontificate that Catholics–gasp!–really ARE Christians, not pagans or goddess worshippers! It was during that pontificate that my husband and I converted to Catholicism–the outreach of Catholic Church in the U.S. was compelling and the various apologists and speakers were definitely making an impact in the Catholic and Protestant churches.
But it’s all gone now, all underground. We never see public demonstrations of Christianity anymore. The faith-based charities are still up and running and doing a great ministry, but the public is not connecting these organizations and church-based charities with “Christianity” and “Jesus Christ.” Many secular people don’t even realize that our local Rescue Mission is faith-based, and if/when they find out, they just say, “It’s great that they don’t push their religion on everyone.”