I am not denigrating Scripture - God inspired the Sacred Authors to write what He wished no more, no less. Scripture is God breathed, yes?I keep hearing this from all together too many people, “inspired?” this places the word of God not into the context of his word, as clearly stated from John 1:1, but makes it where some writer decided to create a story, having God as his ispiration, or muse and is allowed to create what ever fiction they desire with it trying to tell a story in the process.
I can say when I help someone, that God has inspired me to write or say words towards them, is this scripture? No, not at all. Yet, it’s inspired non-the-less, I think in my mind and feel in my heart what he desires, for he has clearly stated these things in his word as well as conveyed it in my heart to show compassion. Do I go around telling people, this is inspired by God, so it must be scripture.
The bible, the “word” is not to be taken so lightly, it should not be scrutinized, it should not be second guessed, nor are any of us qualified to place it in and out of context to the point were we have deemed it only kinda the truth, or only something some guy wrote while he was thinking of God. He put these words down before pen was committed to parchment, the fact we have easy access to it in book form is his gift to us, and it is an awsome wonder to be able to take a peek into his mind on these matters, where he literally sais, this is what happened, this is what I was thinking, these are the lessons taught and these are the conclusions that we all should learn from. To go beyond this, we are speculating, and this is where I say, use extreem caution and catch yourself if you delve outside of these areas, we as man are quite obviously easily deceived, yet we have his word to keep us grounded, we must remain steadfast with it and recognize it as the ultimate authority reference wise in our lives and understandings.
What we get as a bonus as Catholics, we have the church and it’s leadership to help us further understand things, Peter being the rock, we should keep that within it’s context, since Peter no longer lives in the flesh, we have the church to rely upon, we have that rock which forms the foundation to it all to this day.
105 God is the author of Sacred Scripture. "The divinely revealed realities, which are contained and presented in the text of Sacred Scripture, have been written down under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit."69