Why we need conservative, pro-life Supreme Court Justices

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Though to date, this does not seem to be a position for which you are able to provide a rationale, other than to say “it’s my property/business…”
Like I said earlier, for those who depend on mommy and daddy government, freedom is a foreign idea.
There’s no simple answers to either of those questions. Especially the roads. What’s your point?
Yep. And I TOTALLY disagree with that. Discrimination should not be illegal.
Even William Buckley came to believe that discrimination practiced by a public accommodation had to be banned by federal law. Your viewpoint is vastly in the minority.
So am I obligated to stay open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so as to not prevent anyone from being able to access my store?
I don’t know why treating everyone the same (simple justice!) is such a strange concept to you.
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It isn’t. I think everyone should be treated equally.
Well, we have found that in our society being treated equally is like the right to vote-- it has to be supported by federal legislation or folks will not receive it.
I said I think everyone should be treated equally. I didn’t say we should be forced to treat everyone equally.
No it’s your financial freedom vs the employers freedom to discriminate. Don’t know about you but I consider the former more important than the latter.
Then you would just run employers out of business and nobody would have a job. Nice thinking.
I said I think everyone should be treated equally. I didn’t say we should be forced to treat everyone equally.
There is a social responsibility for businesses which are public accommodations. One of these responsibilities is to treat people fairly. Another is to treat people equally.

Businesses will not meet these responsibilities on their own. Its not that heavy a burden to force a business not to cheat. Nor is it a heavy burden for businesses to treat all customers the same. It is part of the social contract.
Businesses will not meet these responsibilities on their own.
Really? So if you were a business owner and there were no laws, you would not treat your customers fairly and equally?
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If they can’t operate in a fair and just manner toward their employees you’re damned right I’d run them out of business.
That was not an answer to the question that I asked.
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Are you able to identify who builds the public roads and defends the borders yet?
Well, my husband being a civil engineer and me being around him for so many years, we know more than the average bear about roads. Who builds them? Thousands of contractors and agencies. How are they paid for? Federal funds, state and local funds, private funds, developers, tolls, donations and on and on. How many roads have you designed? How many have you helped secure the funds for? Do you have any idea about what you asked? So what’s your point?

Defending the borders is similar. He’s worked on road and pipeline projects along the Mexican border and knows a lot about that as well.
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So what’s your point?
Good try. I think you get the point. We have governments, they “socialize” many things because that is effective to do so. And we give up various freedoms because that’s effective, even necessary, when living in communities.

If what is given up is too large a price to pay for living in community - one can seek a more isolated abode, though opportunities for that are limited.
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Good try . . . actually it wasn’t even that good.
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I understand that freedom is a frightening thing to people who have lived under socialism all their lives, like we have done under the Democrats and Republicans.
You quite obviously have no idea what socialism is.
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