jjr9, you haven’t addressed this. Or the fact that the Church hasn’t addressed nicotine addiction. Yet, when I have tried to quit smoking it’s not a simple thing: the urge doesn’t just go away. I know people who haven’t smoked for decades and they still are tempted to. But the Church, Scripture, the Councils etc. don’t address tobacco and nicotine. Does that mean I’m lying when I say quitting smoking is difficult and that my body feels different and craves nicotine?
What about alcoholism? St. Thomas Aquinas in one part of the Summa (I believe) says some harsh things about drunkards, things that modern day psychology would dismiss as inaccurate, and which my own confessor has said is not morally true. What about that? The Bible, Scripture, etc. don’t address alcoholism until the present day. Does that mean alcoholism is a myth?
Please note: I am in no way saying a homosexual is like an alcoholic, and I intend no offense. I’m just using these two examples for argument’s sake.
I find talking about alcoholism ect. a distraction because the Church does not address these temptations
individually and the Magisterium does not claim these temptations exclusive. The important point here is
that what the Magisterium whats to claim is not objectively true, that a group of people experience an
exclusive SSA, to be sure SSA is a struggle for many.
Is SSA attraction some sort of super temptation that prevents OSA and the Grace of Our Lord is
not sufficient for those who prefer OSA to overcome? I do not believe this. SSA has been addressed
by St. Paul and some in the Magisterium want to change St. Paul’s teaching;
1 Corinthians 6:9
NAB 1970 edition
“Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither
fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites”
NAB 1986 edition
"Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither
fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor practicing homosexuals”
NAB 2011 edition(current edition)
“Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived;
neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites”
This translation was changed and then changed back. The USCCB site has the NAB
2011 edition(current edition). The Vatican site has the NAB 2002 edition which has the same
language as the NAB 1986 edition. The implication being that St. Paul recognized that there
are non practicing “homosexuals” aka the mythical “homosexual person”. I find it sad that the
Vatican still presents this distortion of St. Paul’s view.
Do you have something with substantive reason or harmony with the Sacred Deposit of Faith to
show the mythical “homosexual person” is real?
God bless