Do you live in the UK? If you do, you can’t seriously tell me you haven’t seen and heard of cases of people being called racist for celebrating their British heritage. Heck, to some, patriotism is racism.
I’m too tired right now (about to go to bed) to go through the internet searching out the sources, but will provide one example for you. Kehinde Andrews, have you heard of him? He is constantly invited on television by the mainstream media, and basically thinks that British patriotism is racism.
There is even, among some, the notion that G-d chose the Jews LAST to spread his message due to the fact that other nations refused to take on such a responsibility.
I have not heard this. Where does this notion come from?
This message is also not unique to Judaism, for Christianity likewise believes, as you no doubt realize, that its message, the Gospel, is meant to be preached to all the nations of the world. So, do you also believe that when Christians are not practicing the message of the Gospel, they too are “poisoning the well,” so to speak, or does that claim apply only to the Jews?
Christians behaving badly also does a lot of harm. I even created a topic on dangerous Catholics, but that could also be on dangerous Christians.
The difference with Jews, if the theory Dr Brown and others state is correct (and I know you don’t agree with it) is that Jews have this (perhaps God given?) ability to be more influential in this world, so if they use that influence to push vice, they are effectively taking God’s gift and using it to spite him. Now you suggest that God chose them despite themselves, because they were weak, and if that’s the case, then no, Jews not promoting the word of God and doing bad things would perhaps not be any worse than Christians doing the same.
Dr. Michael Brown is a convert to Christianity, and no longer a Jew. There is a difference according to the tenets of Judaism. He may regard himself as a Jew, a Messianic Jew, or a “fulfilled” Jew, but most, if not all, the streams of Judaism, no longer consider him one.
Am I right in thinking the majority of Jews are atheists? Would they consider him Jewish, if they consider themselves Jewish, when they too are not religiously Jewish, or does believing in Christ stop you being a true Jew (I have heard this theory given by a rabbi on television)?
how Jews view Michael Brown’s relationship to them has no bearing on the issue of a double standard when it comes to it being okay for Jews to talk about Jews and non-Jews not being allowed to say the same exact things.
I agree with @MiserereMeiDei. There are multiple examples where a non-Jew stating the exact same thing stated by a Jew, is considered anti-Semitic for stating it.