Why this, Why that…
Why don’t we have wings… Why can’t we breathe under water…
Why don’t we have wings… Why can’t we breathe under water…
Side question for you: what is your experience talking to atheists? mine is that it is a complete waste of time, as nothing will convince them.One of my parents’ friend is on the team, and he is a staunch atheist.
https://books.google.com/books?id=9mT57Wve0SMC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=falseI read several articles on this story, and the biggest hole is that NO ONE claims to have seen either the amputation or the amputated leg.
i saw a painting of an angel, and the angel had wings.Why don’t we have wings…
There are various miracles that on closer look are really illusions or magic tricks of some sort. I recently did a magic trick with an empty box on a flat table in front of all. I asked a volunteer (not a plant but a real volunteer) to pick a color for a butterfly. I then wave my hand and lift the cloth and the butterfly of the correct color is in the box visible to everyone. But it is not a miracle. It is a magic trick.They open the box where his amputated leg supposedly was, and, lo and behold, it is missing. And the ‘new, regrown’ leg is actually thee exact same one that supposedly was cut off.
Having looked through the document more carefully, it turns out there were other testifiers in regards to having seen the amputation or the amputated leg. The link is here for those who may want to “follow along”:Exactly - only one person claims to have seen the actual amputated leg, the doctor that did it. You don;t think the doctor could have been paid off with the money made by the beggar? What is more probable
- that a charlatan lied about an amputation to make a living as a beggar, paying off a doctor to make it look convincing, then got caught when he mistakenly slept in the wrong bedroom
remember - the miracle is not that the leg regrew or regenerated; the miracle is that one night while the beggar was sleeping, the cut off leg disappeared from the buried box, and re-attached while he was sleeping. When people unexpectedly walked in on the sleeping beggar, lo and behold the leg was back.
- that an honest person had a a leg amputated, with only one witness, and buried the leg. Then, on the night same night he sleeps in the wrong bedroom, by some miracle the same amputated leg is teleported out of the buried box, healed and regenerated (but not fully, as past known scars were still present) and attached as if it had never been cut off in the first place. Instantly.
I think even the most faithful person would admit a bit of skepticism, no?
Good for you. It is a serious mistake to reject God. To me, there are other areas than the 3 you mention where atheism is lacking/illogical, but that is off-topic here.For the above reasons, I do not consider myself an atheist. Yet.
We’re not paintings…i saw a painting of an angel, and the angel had wings.
What are you watching and reading? I’ll presume you don’t mean any of the “New Atheists.” Off-topic here, but feel free to start a new thread or two. Honestly, atheists — when simply arguing for atheism — are almost entirely unimpressive in my experience. They just are. Graham Oppy was promising, but he also tends to just make assertions. It always seems to end with some brute fact or several. Anyway, when I read what you wrote here it looks like confirmation bias. One good point Oppy made in a discussion I watched recently is that beliefs almost always get in the way of arguments, on both sides.That being said, after watching numerous debates between great theists, Christians, and atheists, and reading many books on the topic - honestly, the atheists win almost every time.
Exactly, something can give you the illusion of strength when it is always on the attack, when the truth is, it isn’t really “something” at all. There is nothing there but critique and suggestion. Like Mephistopheles in Faust.The atheists never really argue for anything, but rather they argue against the above three.
Quick correction…those are Jehovah Witnesses.blood transfusions (ie, Mormons).