I am not answering anyone’s post, just posting my own thoughts.
- There is something to be said for the idea that communism fails because it has never been implemented correctly. But it has been tried enough times that it would seem it is very, very difficult be implemented correctly, except in very limited, short run circumstances.
- The idea that it won’t work until all privately owned capital is eliminated in the world may be true, but it can never happen. Even under supposed Communism, people in power gerrymander wealth for their own purposes. It’s human nature. They may not technically “own” what they enjoy, but that the result is the same.
- Central control of resources can work temporarily to stabilize an economy that is out of control. Communist principles can be useful as band-aids. It’s when people start to see the band-aid as the cure that problems happen.
- Communism is not nearly as efficient in creating resources, being productive, as communism. Even most communists admit that.
- Capitalism is the most efficient system for being productive and creating resources, but it lacks fairness of outcomes and even sometimes fairness of opportunity.
- Socialism is distinct from communism, but as far as outcomes, it is pretty much communism-light. All the same principles apply, just not as much.
- So there is a balance that needs to be struck. Every country needs to decide what is right for it. The problem comes in when a group pushes that “their idea that their way is the only way.” There may be countries where communism might be the best system, others where socialism might be the best, etc.
- In the US, we have a Constitution that protects the ownership of private property and generally supports as minimal government control as we can get away with. That is what we stand for and there are a lot of people who will fight fiercely, skillfully and effectively to protect that. As long as that is true, capitalism will be what is right for us.