Why would an all loving God create a child in the mothers womb knowing that she is going to have an abortion?
Ergh? So you’re saying that for unwanted babies, no soul is created?Your question assumes that each conception is a separate special act of creation on the part of God. This idea is not supported by Catholic theology.
No, precognance does not invalidate Free Will. Knowledge of the action does not define the action itself.If in His omniscience, God knows that the woman will abort her child, then it follows that her free will has been predetermined, in other words, it is not truly free will at all, she had no choice but to do what God already knew she would do…
Each conception IS a willful act of God. God is the only entity that can create a soul, no act of ours can force God to ensoul a body.Your question assumes that each conception is a separate special act of creation on the part of God. This idea is not supported by Catholic theology.
Perhaps the MOST loving thing God could do is something we just simply don’t understand. God’s actions may have repercussions now, in our life time, or it could be generations and generations from now. We have no way of knowing God’s plan, and to even suggest that God’s actions in “allowing” a child to be aborted is not “loving” is extremely judgmental of God in that He doesn’t know what He’s doing.Why would an all loving God create a child in the mothers womb knowing that she is going to have an abortion?
This is like asking if God should’ve created anything at all, knowing that creation would fall thru sin- with all of the evil that resulted. Obviously He determined that it was worth it but it can be difficult for us to accept the evil which results from the abuse of human freedom. But we truly know evil now and by contrast good, and Gods purpose with this is to bring good out of evil by prompting us (creation) to decide for the good. Adam fell. We rise again with the help of Gods’ Son.Why would an all loving God create a child in the mothers womb knowing that she is going to have an abortion?
He wants us to follow Him out of Love; we can’t do that if we are robots and have no choice in the matter, so He made us free to make our choice. Each of us has an infinite number of opportunities to unite ourselves with God’s will. Of course, each of those is also an opportunity to go against His will. It only means something if we choose life. Otherwise we would be robots.Why would an all loving God create a child in the mothers womb knowing that she is going to have an abortion?
My question precisely why would a loving God create, when he knows that the woman is going to terminate the pregnancy.Each conception IS a willful act of God. God is the only entity that can create a soul, no act of ours can force God to ensoul a body.
God willfully and freely chooses to ensoul a body, and thus generate a new creature. It is not something that He simply chooses to allow (unlike sin) but rather an distinct Actio.
That IS Catholic theology.
A conception occurs because God actively Wills it, not simply because He allows it to happen.
A different approach and I didn’t mean to be offending - why would God allow you to exist and question His love instead of you being in a womb of a woman who could’ve aborted you?My question precisely why would a loving God create, when he knows that the woman is going to terminate the pregnancy.
Is it hypocrisy to say you’re against abortion but worship a God who knowingly makes babies in the womb of women who’ll have an abortion?
Please help me figure this out–simply if at all possible