So you agree He uses His omnipotence and omniscience to predestine people to Heaven? If He can do it for some, why not everyone?
I don’t know enough about the Catholic concept of predestination to respond to this.
This complaint merely picks on semantics. My point was that no one has any real choice if everyone who would choose Hell is not created, because then only one “choice” remains.
But as you yourself admit, Divine foreknowledge is consistent with a real choice and free will, even though no one has the “choice” to choose otherwise than what it is foreknown he will choose.
Yes- that is foreknowing without taking action based on that foreknowledge to determine that people go one way or another. For instance, take the time travel scenario I posed in my other post. If someone goes forward in time a couple centuries from the US in the 1800s and researches Japanese civilian lives, learning Japanese history thoroughly, learning how lots of people lived, and then he goes back to the 19th century US and lives his normal life without acting on his knowledge or ever visiting Japan or talking about it, his knowledge of what is to come in no way contradicts the Free Will of those that choose to live their lives in the way he saw they would. He just saw what they’d choose- he didn’t make them choose it.
On the other hand, if he bounced backward in time not to 19th century America but to the time period he’d been studying and had seen the consequences of, and he used his power to preempt people from ever making bad decisions by killing their great great grandmothers and stopping them from ever existing or some such (never mind the immorality of killing the grandma- it’s irrelevant to my point), he would clearly be interfering with the Free Wills of the unmade people he’s blocking. He’d be using a godlike power to force people onto a path of his choosing. He’d be predestining in the most overpowering way.
If God uses his foreknowledge to not create people who make those bad decisions, he would be making the decisions for everyone he creates before he creates them, so
none of their decisions would be truly theirs- all of them would spring from God alone.
Not alone, but God’s foreknowledge together with the circumstances and grace (which He also determines) does determine behavior.
No, God’s foreknowledge together with grace and circumstances do not determine behavior. That is absolutely contrary to Catholic teaching.
Besides, grace is available to every living human. So that’s within the human sphere to reject or accept. And some God permits but does not will. Humans have Free Will to decide what they want to do with their circumstances and with the grace God has given them. God does not control that.
Exactly. So if God foreknew that everyone would choose heaven then it is still the case that no one was forced to do so, and they still had a free choice.
Except that in your scenario, God uses his foreknowledge to force his will for every human life into being. He chooses only people who will choose Heaven, so because he chose prior to their choice, and used his foreknowledge to know that his choice would pan out, they don’t have any real choice of refusal. The God you’re envisioning is using his foreknowledge to predestine, rather than creating people who can make their own decisions.
And why don’t they? Could God cause them to prefer eternal life and joy to sin and darkness?
That’s predestination again.
There is darkness and no real satisfaction in lacking God, so people in that state keep searching for something more. Many choose to not find satisfaction in the only place it could be found because they prefer to rule their own lives. On the other hand, some do repent and turn to the true God. God’s voice and heart do call to everyone on Earth who is in this condition.
Yeah, but you’re making the error in modal logic of confusing necessary impossibility with contingent impossibility. They do not choose to avoid Hell necessarily, as though that would be the case in every possible world, but only contingently, in the particular world that actually exists.
It is necessary impossibility in this world though, because they could not have chosen it in any other world, as God would not have created them in any of those worlds, because he would not have willed for them to be damned. He determines the choice absolutely of his own will in your scenario, which is predestination, Calvinism plain and simple, and people only choose God’s will because he chose that they choose it before they were born. His use of foreknowledge to predestine in this world eliminates all possibility of freedom within it. Everything is exactly as God planned not because humans willed it but because God willed it. That is the reverse of Free Will. It is absolute predestination of all things, which is what Calvinists teach and what I used to believe back when I was a Calvinist.
I also used to believe back then that omniscience eliminates the possibility of Free Will, because God could choose one universe that goes exactly as he wants and not create all the other infinite possibilities, so even if Free Will existed, God would have absolute say over whatever occurs. I hadn’t taken into account that God might choose not to use his foreknowledge to determine. He might allow people to do horrible things that he foresaw they’d do but didn’t make them do, because he allowed them to exist and defy him so as not to contradict the Free Wills of humanity.
Omniscience used as a tool to achieve Heaven or Hell is a Calvinistic idea. I used to adhere to it, but it contradicts Free Will. Since becoming Catholic, I’ve rejected it, praise God.