Are you really insisting that I repost the entire argument without the word “teleology” in it? Because either you’re insisting on that to be tedious or you didn’t understand the point. That a fundamental particle follows a certain set of “behaviors” and not a different set of behaviors is sufficient for Aquinas’ Fifth Way.
I’m not sure why you’re putting ‘behaviours’ in scare quotes. Do you mean something else? Because yes, an electron exhibits certain behaviours. It’s why we know it’s an electron and not something else.
If you are simply saying: ’ God makes it do that’, then so be it.
Some people woupd object to the use of words such as behavior as it implies that the electron itself is choosing or exercising a consciousness or will of some sort. I am simply trying to be clear (over multiple posts) that I am not claiming the electron has a consciousness.
“God makes it do that” (directly or indirectly) is a rather simplified way of stating the
conclusion of the Fifth Way. The argument does not assume that. The argument is that, lacking any intelligence or will or conciousness, a particle cannot direct itself toward any set of behavior.
Perhaps, and to make it more clear let’s consider a water molecule, the cause of a water molecule’s direction isn’t some type of immediate intelligence, but is determined/caused by the oxygen and hyrdrogen molecules that make it up. However, the oxygen molecule can’t direct/cause itself to exhibit certain behaviors either, but perhaps that’s just reducible to it being determined by the protons, neutrons, and elctrons that comprise it. However, the proton has no way to determine itself to a certain set of behaviora, but maybe that’s just caused by the up and down quarks that make it up. However…
The chain could be finite, infinite, or circular, the causal power of all the members (and any members which are made up of parts, or contingent, or have a potential being actualized) is all derivative, none of the members examined have the ability to determine themselves, and at some level the causal power must be imparted to it by something that itself doesn’t need to be caused.